About me

Matvienko Ilya

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics (CITA)

Specialty: Telecommunication systems and networks

Thesis' name:

Research and planning of network facilities for providing access to library data base

Supervisor of studies: Boyco Vitaly Victorovich

About me (main)

The average grade during studying was 4,86. I am fluent in Russian, Ukrainian and English. I possess some decent experience in developing and supporting Internet resources of different complexity. I also have knowledge in designing local area networks and campus networks for different purposes.

Professional skills:

Short biography

I was born on 14th of December in 1986 in Donetsk.


Father – Matvienko Vladimir, mining engineer by specialty.

Mother – Matvienko Svetlana, engineer-technologist by specialty.

I didn’t recognize any talents in me, and didn’t bother others about it. If I succeeded in something then I was pretty much glad for myself, but tried to avoid any kind of sensationalism because of that.


I attended two schools during getting my primary education. The 1st one was 100 meters away from my home, and after 8th year of studying I decided to switch for school ¹17, which was much more respected at that time. That school also provided deeper studying of mathematics and physics courses. Although I wasn’t sure that I really needed it. The whole 1st year at new school was quite difficult for me; I even couldn’t manage to solve the simplest task in physics. But the following two years appeared to be absolutely different from the 1st one and I achieved a place amongst usual participants of regional contests in physics and mathematics.

I got acquainted with a whole lot of deviant and interesting people in new school. My new acquaintances weren’t limited by my classmates only. During the 1st year of studying I became a member of sports club for young people called “Argali”, which is a name of a mountain type ram; and even now I am an active member of it. I’ve started doing rock-climbing, orienteering and mountaineering since then.

Special thanks go to my parents for all their directions, which they gave to me but I rarely took them into account. Nevertheless they surely helped me.


It wasn’t easy to choose a university, but I had a strong desire to study in some kind of technical high school and the closer it was the better. Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU) was considered to be one of the best in Ukraine and even could compete with those in Russia according to my friends, my parents’ friends and others, whose opinion I rate. The specialty was chosen at the very last moment after several discussions with my friend, who wanted to enter medical university but then I persuaded him to follow my example.

At university I met almost everyone, whom I’ve known before entering it. Some of them I’ve known from both schools and others were just some random acquaintances. The time at university wasn’t quite what I anticipated; we were studying the same old school subjects, but were told that in the end of 2nd year some specialty courses would be included. Unfortunately they didn’t meet my expectations; and the fact that some of them, according to lecturers, were included for the 1st time in our studying process, and that sounded more like an apology for its quality, disappointed me even more. Nevertheless, a lot of positive moments are associated with 4 years of studying. I’ve got new impressions, met new people, my belief in justice faded away (and that’s a positive moment), got the knowledge, which I would have never gained not being here. Living with the fact that our studying process goes according to bureaucratized system and blind plans of Ministry of Education; and probably will not change in the nearest 20 years, we passed bachelors final exam. Considering my results after 4 years time I appeared to be amongst the 15 students, who potentially can achieve masters’ degree in future.

The main reason for doing my masters’ thesis was wrong perception of what it takes to be a master and a bachelor amongst future employers and everyone whose opinion you would like to know in our country. A lot of people think that if you don’t have masters’ degree then you don’t have finished higher education, which, of course is a complete nonsense. So, it was more like following the trend rather than desire to do some research and scientific work.

My supervisor of studies was assigned to me after I stated my desire to work with computer networks during research classes. His full name is Boyco Vitaly Victorovich and he is a head teacher of automation and communications department at our faculty. At the start of the 9th curriculum he proposed me to carry out some research into the database of our library. The final version of my masters’ thesis is “Planning and research of network facilities for providing access to library data base”. This topic covers great amount of practical work and operational testing.

I have versatile experience in working with Internet technologies. I designed several Internet resources (most recent: ÊÑÒÎ ÀÐÕÀÐ, ÒÈÏ ÒÎÏ Äîíåöê), did some scripting as a free-lancer and integration of ready-made products with each other.

Plans for the nearest future: to defend my thesis successfully, to pass CAE or CPE exam as well as get Cisco certificate, to live separate from my parents, to find a job and work as a senior engineer on telecommunication projects (developer/leading developer in cloud computing industry) and to be satisfied with it. To keep on doing sports in future.

Long term plans include a promotion track at work, developing skills concerning future occupation and gaining decent knowledge as well as finding a suitable place for permanent living.
