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Rogozhkin Dmytry

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics

Department of the automated controll systems

Speciality: Information control systems

Theme of master's work:

Development expert system of Decision Support System to control of blast-furnace air in blast-furnace production

Scientific adviser: Ph.D., associate professor Ghukova Tamara

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract

Brief Resume:

During the education at university my average mark has been 4.0. I freely know Russian and Ukrainian languages. I know English sufficiently for reading and corresponding. I have base skills in programming languages: Pascal, C, C ++ Builder, Visual Basic, HTML, in work with databases – Access, Visual FoxPro, SQL Server.



I was born on May, 20, 1987 in the Donetsk City. My parents – Rogozhkin Igor and Rogozhkina Elena. All my life I live in the Donetsk City. When I was 3, I was took to kindergarten. At the kindergarten I took part in all morning performances.

School days

On September, 1, 1993 I entered first class school #150. The First teacher – Shevchenko Galina, which has grafted me love to knowledge’s. In the school we with class much traveled, more whole were remembered trips in Lvov and Slavyanogorsk. In 2002 I entered in ten class. In these years I’ll start thinking about choice of high school. I decided enter to Donetsk national technical university - one of the most old and the best high school of the Donetsk City – on speciality «Information control systems» (ICS). After participation in interview, I became the 1st course student of DonNTU on speciality ICS on budgetary form of the education.


September, 1, 2004 - a first pair - "Programming". Soon appear new familiar and friends. In February 2008 I have solved not to lose the chance get the second higher education parallel with the first. I have entered on profession "Economy of enterprises" faculty of retraining of personnel. In 2008 after graduating the 4-th course I got the diploma of computer sciences bachelor and has finished the military department. I’ll start thinking about choice: continue the education on program of the specialist or master. I was entered in Master-class. My scientific adviser became Ghukova Tamara, associate professor. The theme of my master's work is: “Development expert system of Decision Support System to control of blast-furnace air in blast-furnace production”, which it is enough actual at our time.

Plans on the future

In near-term plans on the future is: to write a master's work and to protect it successfully, to receive the diploma,to find highly paid work at a large company with carrier growth prospect. Also I wish to deepen the knowledge on English language.

DonNTU > Master's portal || Abstract