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 Pustovoy Sergey

Pustovoy Sergey

Donetsk national technical university

Faculty: "Mechanical"

Speciality: "Metal-cutting machine-tools and systems"

Theme of master's work:
"Technical and economic analysis and development of constructions of the combined reamer"

Leader of work: professor of Malyshko Ivan



      High consumer properties and small cost are basic indexes. Thet is determine the competitiveness of products. High quality of new products and rapid transition on the issue of products is provided by machine-tools with large possibilities and flexible production systems. The large cost of equipment does the increases the cost of products. It does its not competitive.

      The use of the combined instruments allows to reduce the cost of products.

      Quality of products must be provided at the world standards. A low cost and descriptions of good are provide a high competitiveness. Financial-cost analysis is decides such tasks. It provides minimization of expenses at providing of competitiveness of products.


      Financial-cost analysis is complex of methods, approaches, procedures. It are searches the best or the new decisions for the increase of efficiency to use of good.

      The combined instrument is the special instrument. It works in the system for it is projected.

      It requires explanation of the use the combined instrument in the automated production.

      A cost of equipment and instrument is part of the cost products. Thr cost-analysis are explains of uses the equipment and the instrument.

      A financial analysis must be conducted for the combined instruments. It is needed for determination to expedience of the use the combined instrument in automated production.


      Concentration of operations or transitions are way to increase of the productivity in the automated production.

      Combined instruments are concentrates the operations or transitions.

      The combined instrument is the special instrument. It works in the system for it is projected. That

      Workings processes are determine the optimum values of structural parameters of instrument.


      The use of the combined instrument in the automated production are the purpose of work.

      Basic tasks of research are:
– I must to construction the combined instrument.
– I must define influence of the combined reamer on the error of the treated opening.
– I must do economic explanation for construction of the combined reamer.


      An economic ground of the use the combined instrument in place of unidimensional is a scientific novelty.


Analysis of existent charts of cutting

      The combined reamer works on two charts of cutting (parallell and consistently). An opening construction is determines the cutting chart.

      The parallel chart of cutting is provides a big performance for reduction of machine time. An increase of component forces of cutting is the lack of parallel chart. It is conduces laying out of opening to the increase.

      The consistently chart of cutting is increased total time. Exactness of treatment is provided of the form at cross-sectional of reamer. A reamer must be done with the uneven step of teeth.

Reasons of formation the cutting of openings

      Cutting of openings is an error at treatment the axial instrument.

      Cutting of openings are renders large influence on operating properties of knot or machine. The contact of details of machines are takes a place on the tops of opening burries. It is results to the intensive wear of surfaces.

      Equalization of motion of center instrumented is determines the form of cross-sectional of opening.

Formation of cutting at the successive chart of cutting and even distributing of reamer-tooth

      Work is conducted only one stage of reamer for consistently chart of cutting. The second stage are enters work’s after the output of the first.

      The center of reamer moves on the opposite side of relation to the rotation of instrument.

      The amount of opening verges can be defined on equalization in a crossrunner:

ï = 2 • Z + 1

      The number of opening verges more than number of reamer-tooth, ensues from equalization. It will be at motion of center of involute in an opposite side in relation to the rotation of instrument.

Picture 1 – Form of cross-sectional of opening, got at opposite direction of motion of center and rotation of involute:
à) – calculation; á) – experimental

Motion of center of involute coincides with the rotation of involute.

      Amount of verges in the crossrunner of opening is determined on the equalization:

ï = 2 • Z – 1

      Amount of verges in the crossrunner of opening on unit a less number of reamer-tooth of instrument is at the coincidence of directions of motion of center and rotation of involute, ensues from equalization.

Picture 2 – Form of cross-sectional of opening, got at the coincidence of directions of motion of center and rotation of involute:
à) – calculation; á) – experimental

      Directions of motion of involute changes at preliminary preliminary screwing of involute (in the moment of its threading-in) on 15 – 20% more effort of serve is in the set process. Cutting of opening diminishes at the coincidence of directions of rotation of center and reamer-tooth of instrument.

Formation of cutting at the parallel chart of cutting

      Work of the combined involute with the identical number of reamer-tooth in every stage on a parallel chart practically does not differ from work of instrument on a consistently chart. Because frequency of vibrations on every stage will be identical, a that number of verges in a crossrunner also will be identical.

      Work of the combined involute with the different number of reamer-tooth in every stage, at the parallel chart of cutting, characterized that frequency of vibrations of every stage will be determined the number of reamer-tooth. Because a number of reamer-tooth on every stage will be different, trajectory of motion of center, will present the figure of Lissazhu of higher-order.

Picture 3 – Form of cross-sectional of opening at treatment the combined involute with the different number of reamer-tooth

      On a picture evidently, that after 5 – 6 turns of instrument, reamer-tooth heterodyned on each other, the same diminishing the size cuttings.

      In the set process trajectory of motion of reamer-tooth , and consequently and center of instrument, will determine oscillation waves, appearing on the treated surface in a transient.

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