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Магистр ДонНТУ Иваненко Иван Иванович

Bezelev Boris Olegovich

Faculty: Electrotechnical

Speciality: Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive

Theme of master's work:



Research and the comparative analysis of converters of frequency

Scientific adviser: Shumyatskiy Valeriy Matveyevich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract

About me:

         The mean score in training at university has made 4.37 that says that I tried and diligently studied, but within the limits of the possibilities and desires.
         Freely to know Russian and an Ukrainian language languages me have learnt at school, and here level of my knowledge of English language has helped to lift favourite HIGH SCHOOL and now it quite enough for reading and correspondence.
         Within the precincts of university I have learnt to work with operating system Windows that has allowed to receive an operational experience with software packages Matlab, MathCAD, the COMPASS.
I take a great interest in sports.

The short biography:

The childhood

         I, Bezelev Boris Olegovich, was born on February, 19th, 1988 in the city of Donetsk. By a surname it is obliged to father Bezelevu Oleg Anatolevichu, and a name to the great-grandfather on a parent line, unfortunately, I could not get acquainted with it.
         I the first child in a family, and all us two: I, and younger sister – Bezeleva Anna Olegovna. Mum brought up us, but under accurate supervision of my grandfather which has imparted to me love to the exact sciences.В a garden was very sociable and consequently to the first class had already many friends.



         1st of September 1995 mum has led me to a comprehensive school threshold № 1 of Donetsk. The call first in a life, … a solemn ruler, … flowers … And the first school friends. All seemed such celebratory and solemn. After a ruler for first class pupils have arranged excursion on school and have acquainted with the schedule of a life of this surprising institution. And further work, work on the knowledge, work on formation of as persons, work with a homework has begun.
          First three classes of training have yielded the results and have placed priorities: I fear as did not love languages (an Ukrainian language and Russian), but thus with pleasure was engaged in mathematics. And physical culture lessons as probably were favourite lessons and at all.I very much loved sports and consequently in the second class me have written down in acrobatics section at DonNtU where I was occupied 7 years.
         During study at school I have visited many absolutely different mugs, but for a long time was not late anywhere. But has got useful skills and new friends.
         Took part in KVN and other cultural events from school to regional level. Was the active participant in competitions between classes. To put it briefly there was no time to exhale. Since morning before acrobatics then school, there mugs and after game in football with friends on a schoolyard.
         Of schoolmates I and now maintain with many warm friendly relations.



         The question on a further education has arisen in the beginning of 11th class. Arguing on my abilities and desires; placing priorities on institutes; touching all possible specialities and remembering that at me mathematical mentality has been chosen a course on Donetsk National Technical university – one of the best high schools of Ukraine on preparation of engineers. And all further efforts have been directed on preparation for receipt to this HIGH SCHOOL.
         I tried to arrive on ratings but it did not turn out to type in any way the necessary quantity of points for a budgetary mode of study as have led to that that it was necessary to hand over interview which has handed over perfectly well, and at last all my diligence have yielded fruits. All delights of "independence" has tested for postexam working off. Then has got acquainted with future classmates.
         To me it was well remembered on 1st of September 2005г. This day I for the first time as the full member of a student's society has crossed a threshold of DonNtU and … has lost the way among numerous ladders and long corridors of the third case.
         A lot of all interesting and informative has occurred for four years of a student's life. It and various scientific conferences on which I took part both as the listener, and as the lecturer. It and days of faculty with an official concert part in the beginning and with a disco on night clubs in the end of day. And walks by group in city parks. The stress and hard work during session, were always replaced with pleasure of a vacation and the deserved rest. The fourth year came to an end with the most serious examination – examination in a speciality. But also I have passed this test on excellent". And as a result has been enlisted on budgetary training in a magistracy.
         The choice of the supervisor of studies and theme of master's works was the first question which should be solved by masters. This question for me has dared quickly. I have begun work under the articles under the direction of к.т.н., the senior lecturer of chair EAPU Shumjatsky Valery Matveevichem. As a result of some meditations the theme of master's works has been formulated: "Research and the comparative analysis of converters of frequency".
         It is at present made already a floor of business and it is necessary to hand over last session successfully only.

Plans for the future

         Having finished a magistracy, I plan to be arranged for interesting highly paid work. That my potential could develop, advancing me on following steps of a career ladder. But thus a family for me on the first place. My children who at me necessarily will, deserve my direct participation in their education :).

DonNTU > Master's Portal || Abstract