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Khvorostianenko Mykhailo

Khvorostianenko Mykhailo

Electrotechnical department

Electric systems department

Speciality: "Electric systems and networks"

Working out and research of the software of a subsystem concerning a linear part of UD CAD of air ETL 35-750 kV

Scientific adviser: Gorin Valentin

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Average score during study at university by speciality “Electric circuits and networks” is 4,98.
Average score during studying at university by speciality “Finance” is 4,85.
I know Russian, Ukrainian thoroughly and English at the level, sufficient for reading and correspondence. I have an operational experience with program packages: MS Office, Open Office, Electronics Workbench, MathCad, MatLab, AutoCad, Visio; with programming in packages MathCad, MatLab, SciLab and high-level languages like Delphi and Visual Ń++. In 2002 I have complete courses of high-speed reading. I am a fond of books reading, playing piano, programming, making up a business plan, playing pool.

The childhood

I was born on 5th March 1988 in Donetsk. My father is an electrical engineer. My mother is a planning engineer. My path in the education sphere was connected with search in different areas of science and art. As a result I got different knowledge and became a round developed person. My first school was Ukrainian Humanities Coleggium, where I had studyed 9 years, where education was grade in elementary school.

Simultaneously with a comprehensive school I began training at Donetsk musical school ą1, which became for me original school of life. Nine years of daily occupations have learned me to be organized, assidious, purposeful and hardy. But most important became responsibility feeling, because I acted at concerts and competitions in the name of the school, teacher and parents. Over a period of training I have taken part more than in 10th school’s competitions, 5th interschool’s, 3 urban’s, 2 regional’s and 3 international’s (Russia and Ukraine) competitions.

The 2003 year became period of change in my life, because after 9 classes in UGC I’ve understood, that my intellectual potential and desire to study have begun restrain by bad organization of educational process. I have accepted the decision to change the school. I was interested with Liceum "Erudite", which enters in group of five best schools of Ukraine. After two years in liceum, I essentially increased my level of knowledge, participated in regional olympiad on economy, two times participated in conferences of Donetsk and Kyiv. I has made the first business-plan of the enterprise, with which participated in competition of a Small Academy of sciences.

Special gratitude to Vladimir Dubel, Alecsandra Belozub, Igor Bondarenko and Vladimir Potemkin – people which generated significant part of my knowledge base.


The choice of university never was a problem for me. Study on mathematics in 11th form have helped me to accumulate 53 numbers from 60 and going on budget branch of Donetsk national technical university.

The first course was heaviest, on my sight. However at me it has turned out to overcome all difficulties, and from the first session I began to receive good marks.
On ending of the first course I was transferred in the English group, where successfully has studied English technical language.

Since the fourth semester, I began to study at the second higher education in DonNTU on a speciality "Finance". At present I already have bachelor's first class degree. Average score during studying at university by speciality “Finance” is 4,85.

In 2009 I perfectly have passed the state examination and has going on MA course on speciality "Electrical networks and systems".
The greatest benefit was brought with study of the following subjects: theoretical fundamental of electrical engineering, bases of designing of electrical systems, electrical networks and systems, technical translation.

Special gratitude to Boris Ivanov, Evgenij Alekseev, Aleksandr Koroshenko, Inna Larina, Elena Dmitrieva, Valentin Gorin, Georgiy Rogozin. These people have taken the very large role, as in purchase by me of theoretical and technical knowledge, and in my outlook as a whole.

My scientific adviser is Valentin Gorin. The theme has been defined, proceeding from practical reasons of its further application in the future work at the given enterprise.

My purpose in life is the complete realization of the opportunities by use of intellectual and spiritual potential, constant self-development and achievement of a high material and spiritual level of wellbeing.

Future plans

The fall of 2010 going to start teaching a Masters degree in “Finance” (extramural studies). Graduate course on "Finance" in the winter of 2011.

Upon completion of Master's degree in "electrical networks and systems" going to get a job in the company of electrical networks.

Having experience with a degree in "network and systems" within 2 years and having at the hands of two master's degree with honors going to change domicile. Not excluded relocation abroad.

Perhaps not in the distant future loans business activities, which will be linked to electrical equipment. In order to improve the functioning of company will get the third degree, associated with the legal aspects of the functioning of enterprises.

DonNTU > Master's portal || Abstract