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Shatkovskiy Sergey

Shatkovskiy Sergey

Faculty: Electrotechnical

Speciality "Electrical Systems and Networks"

Theme of master's work: "Expert system diagnostics unit of thermal power plants"

Scientific adviser: Zabolotniy Ivan

Scientific consultant: Grishanov Sergey



My average mark during the study in the university is 4,92. Professional skills: fluent Russian and Ukrainian languages; English in volume sufficient for translation of technical texts. The confident computer user. I have experience with computer applications: the ASKON–KOMPAS, AutoCad, MathCad, MS Office, Open Office, Visio; personal skills: sociability, purposefulness, high working capacity, sense of duty, ability to training. Hobbies: sports, tourism. The marital status: single.

Short biography


I was born on January, 20 1988 in the Donetsk, Ukraine in the family of the engineers. My mother Marina Shatkovskaya and father Valeriy Shatkovskiy are dispatchers of dispatching department.

In 2 years I went to the kindergarten #233 "Dream". There I spent my carefree childhood. My favorite toys were different constructors. That's why I decided to be an engineer when I was may be four.


In 1994 I went to school #142 of Donetsk. From the beginning I wasn't a very good student, but my results were getting better year in year out. My most favorite subjects were mathematics, physics and technical drawing. In 2005 I graduated from high schoIol with honors.

I am very grateful to teachers: Irina Rolik (first teacher), Anna Osipova (mathematics), Elena Kamkova (technical drawing), Vera Gunchenko and Inna Vinokurova (physics).


I decided to enter the Donetsk national technical university in tenth form because I like everything that refers to technique, especially electrical engineering. I worked hard to pass my entrance examinations, so in 2005 I passed it with result 58 from 60.

Studying in the university wasn't very hard for me. I had some troubles, but it's normal. I took part in almost all subject competitions and I showed good results there. In 2009, after bachelor's degree test passing, I entered to the magistrates.

The topic of my master's work is "Expert system diagnostics unit of thermal power plants". Nowadays it's a very actual problem because timely detection and removal of defects can reduce the cost of repairing process. I prefer to spend my free time in activities. I like cycling, skating, skiing, inline skating etc.

Future plans

In not far future I'm going to graduate the University and find good interesting job in my specialization.

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