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Solovova Irina

Solovova Irina

Faculty: The Electrotechnical department

Speciality "Electric systems and network"

Theme of master's work:

The studying of methods efficiency of wire cross section choice in electric systems

Scientific adviser: Larina Inna Ivanovna

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract

About myself (the main):

The average mark during period of studying in university is 4,46. I speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently. I have an experience in working with such programs as MS Office, MS Excel, Electronics Workbench, MathCad, AutoCad, Visio, ÊÎÌÏÀÑ. I am interested in modern literature, sport, dances, music and I like to travel.


I was born the 7th of September 1987 in Makeevka town. My mother is Svetlana Petrovna Solovova. She has finished the building technical school in Jasnovataya. She does not work at speciality. My father is Eduard Jurevich Solovov. He has finished the building technical school in Jasinovataya too.

I went to kindergarten "Zhuravlik" in Yasinovataya when I was four years old. I was brought up my mother and grandmother. They taught me to read, write, be polite with persons who older than me, to love a nature and be not afraid of difficulties in life and be positive.

School years

I went to school # 3 in Jasinovataya in 1995. My first teacher was Ludmila Ivanovna Loginova. She is a great teacher. She taught me to be industrious. She always told us new things with interest. And I like to get the knowledge after that.

I have taken a great interest in mathematics and computer science in school. I was active in social life of school. I have taken part in preparation of competitions, celebrations. I have gone to art school because my parents thought that the person should be harmoniously developed. There was a good teacher in art school. His name was Andrey Vladimirovich Evdokimov. He helped to students always and he was one of organizers of trip to art exhibitions in different cities. My favourite trip was to Kiev. I have gone to dancing lessons too.

University years

In the beginning of 11th class I became thoughtful about choice of Institute for subsequent studying to receive higher education. I chose national technical university in Donetsk (DonNTU). My choice was such because, first, the studying of exact sciences was easy for me, and, secondly, I have decided that my work would be in the sphere of power engineering. At last, Donetsk National Technical University was carrying out the entrance testing for the high school seniors. I took this opportunity and became the student of speciality «Electrotechnical systems and networks» of electrotechnical department before school finish.

It was difficult to study in university at the beginning, but by time I got used to the studying and found out many interesting subjects. I have understood their importance for my future job. I have got the certificate of bachelor after state exam in 2009. After this I was offered to continue my education for master degree. I agreed because I always aspired to knowledge and expansion of the outlook. It is very interesting to do science and solve tasks for me.

The theme of my master's work is "The studying of methods efficiency of wire cross section choice in electric systems". It has offered me by M. Tech. S., the senior lecturer Inna Ivanovna Larina. She became my scientific adviser of studying.

Plans for the future

Plans for the future at me a large quantity. In the beginning I wish to make and protect work, to receive the diploma of the master.

In the near future I wish to marry and establish a strong family. To give birth and bring up one power.

Further I plan will receive the second higher education in a current of the next ten years, most likely on a speciality "Enterprise economy", and also to end for myself courses "Vizazha".

I Wish to visit the countries of Europe, but it as far as possible. I dream to find interesting work in power sphere, that To take up the problems of an electrical supply, it is possible designing of systems of an electrical supply, to put the knowledge received by me into practice.

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