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kozachok Darina

Kozachok Darina

Faculty of ecology and chemical technologies

Speciality "Management of ecological safety"

Environmental problems of campus and way of their decision

Scientific adviser: Panasenko Anatoliy


The importance of the investigation

    Due attention was not paid so far to the artificial and regulated by a man mediums (urban-ecosystems), a typical example of which can be a campus of Donetsk National Technical University. As a result the functioning of the given territory is accompanied with a range of ecological problems which influence people’s health negatively as well as the environment in the whole. Among these problems are the following:
     - The atmosphere air pollution with emission of boiler rooms and coal field;
     - Bad utilization of solid domestic waste;
     - Physical pollution: noise and electromagnetic;
     - Irrational planting of territory;
     - Presence of strays.
    At the same time the main attention should be paid to the condition of biocoenosis of the urban-ecosystem.

The aim of the investigation

    Detailed studying of the condition of the campus territory as an urban-ecosystem, and thorough study of its vegetation.

Scientific novelty

    The condition of the campus territory was investigated for the first time.

The aims of the investigation

     - Detailed research of the campus territory;
     - To develop methods for improving the ecological condition of the environmental natural medium of the territory, especially methods of planting.

Methods of testing

     - Visual method;
     - Method of passport system and inventory of plantations of trees.


    In 1935 at the side of Donetsk Industrial Institute (the former name of DonNTU) the campus was founded which consisted of 4 buildings and hostels for students in couples. All students of the institute lived in hostels of the campus in double rooms or in rooms for four persons.
    In the campus since 1935 a students’ outpatient department worked which had a hospital for 30 beds. At the side of hostels there were hairdresser’s, sewing and shoe workshops. At the hostels №1 and №2 there were two canteens, cafeterias and shops servicing students.
    At the period of Great Patriotic War the campus as well as educational buildings was almost destroyed. In 1946 among 4 hostels only one was suitable for living in so much more students lived there.
    The reconstruction of hostels was finished up to 1951.
    At the end of sixties Donetsk Polytechnic Institute had 7 hostels. Since 1967 a basin started to work.
    In 1969 students’ canteen “Bodrost” appeared. In 1972 track and field arena was put in commission – the biggest one in Ukraine. In 1973 hostels №8 and №9 were also put in commission [2].
    The campus is situated on the territory of Donetsk, which in its turn is situated on the territory of Donetsk coal field.
    Under the territory of the campus there is groundwater but it is not used because there are no wells. All buildings which are situated on the territory of the campus are serviced with water from the channel Severskiy Donets-Donbass with the help of special equipment [1].
    Generally the climate of the central part of Donetsk is temperate continental one with chilly winter and warm (sometimes sultry) summer.


    Urban-ecology is a science which studies interconnections in time and space of two systems – urban one (which consists of such subsystems as social, technical, energy, informational, administrative etc.) and natural one, and also about noosphere.
    Urban-ecosystem is a natural territorial complex (geocomplex) with all its hierarchical system – from landscape to elementary associations. That complex is under direct influence (past, today and future) of the city. The urban-ecosystem in the whole or its smaller parts are park, lawn, boulevard surface patches or surface patches covered with concrete, asphalt and buildings. All these parts are the medium of existence of various kinds of plants, animals, mushrooms, microorganisms [3,8].
    Concerning the campus city urban landscape is meant that is a characteristic feature of modern megalopolises. The campus is an artificial functioning system of all totality of breathers and the medium of their existence which is made by a man. It is also regulated by a man. The campus is reported to urban eco-system.


    The campus of Donetsk National Technical University is situated in bounds of Vatulina avenue, Artema street, Cheluskintsev street and Bogdana Khmelnitskogo avenue. On its territory there are a range of buildings such as:
    Educational building № 7. It includes rooms of the faculty of ecology and chemical technology of Donetsk National Technical University. Its address is 106 Bogdana Khmelnitskogo avenue. This building was constructed and put in commission in 1971, it has six storeys.
    Educational building № 11 of Donetsk National Technical University. Its address is 131a Artema street. It was built and out in commission in 1935, it has five storeys [5,10].
    Hostel № 9 of Donetsk National Technical University. Its address is 184 Cheluskintsev street. The building has twelve storeys of building - block fashion. It was built and put in commission in 1973. Number of beds is 1189, there are 400 rooms.
    Hostel № 8 of Donetsk National Technical University. Its address is 100 Bogdana Khmelnitskogo street. The building has eleven storeys of building-block fashion. It was built and put in commission in 1973. Number of beds is 430, there are 212 rooms.
    Hostel № 2 of Donetsk National Technical University. Its address is 131a Artema street. The building has five storeys of building - corridor fashion. It was built and put in commission in 1934. Number of beds is 639, there are 271 rooms.
    Hostel № 4 of Donetsk National Technical University. Its address is 36 Vatulina avenue. The building has five storeys of building - corridor fashion. It was built and put in commission in 1964. Number of beds is 744, there are 214 rooms [7].
    Hostel № 5 of Donetsk National Technical University. Its address is 186 Cheluskintsev street. The building has five storeys of building-corridor fashion. It was built and put in commission in 1966. Number of beds is 396, there are 96 rooms.
    The canteen. Its address is 131a Artema street. This building was built and put in commission in 1969. It has two storeys.
    Students’ outpatient department. Its address is 188a Cheluskintsev street. It was built and put in commission in 1938. The building has three storeys.
    Swimming pool. Its address is 186 Cheluskintsev street. The building was constructed and put in commission in 1968. It is made of brick, has two levels. The length of track is 25 m, the width is 2 m.
    Track and field arena. Sports building. Its address is 104a Bogdana Khmelnitskogo avenue. It was built and put in commission in 1972. The building has two levels [4,9].
    Gas boiler room. Its address is 135a Artema street. It partially has two storeys. It is of squared shape. It consists of two boiler rooms: with two and three boilers and naturally has two smoke stacks. There walls are made of lime-and-sand brick. It was out in commission in 1968.
    Hotel-and-entertaining complex “Liverpul”. Its address is 131c Artema street. It consists of the hotel, musical bar with concert hall which is situated in the basement, foodmarket. There is an independent boiler room [6].


    In this investigation the territory of Donetsk National Technical University was studied. But the plantations of trees were just researched because grassy cover is very small, and the plants of artificial origin dominate.
    According to the taken investigation the following items were founded and calculated on the territory of the campus: the number of trees is 205, the number of genera is 2, the number of orders is 9, a number of families is 11. The species of one family were also calculated.

Table 4.1 – Main characteristics of woody plants

    Consequently we can make a conclusion that the main part of trees is tall trees adapted to soils of medium fertility, plants of temperate moistening of medium, species which are partially demanded to the light, and their main type of pollination is by wind.
    In the present investigation the four methods of improving of vegetable cover of the campus were proposed: rational tree planting, their zoned distribution, partial replacement of species, method of injection.
    The method of rational tree planting involves reasonable planting of green plantations taking into consideration the functioning characteristics of each species. Zoning of green plantations location involves planting of trees considering their function (separation of recreation zone from residential zone etc.)
    The method of partial change of species involves step-by-step replacement, for example, balsam poplar or black mulberry for birch and other species.
    The method of injection aims to change the sex of poplar. It involves injection in the trunk of the female that results in strong hormonal stress and the tree changes sex for a male one.

 Picture 1 – Process of preparation herbarium(Animation has 6 frames, delay 100, the number of cycles 7, size 212 kB)

    Picture 1 – Process of preparation herbarium
    (Animation has 6 frames, delay 100, the number of cycles 7, size 212 kB)


    In the present investigation the main task was to find the possible ways of solving the main ecological problems of the campus.
    As a result the given territory and the problems such as the atmosphere air pollution, bad treatment with solid domestic waste etc. were studied.
    Special attention was paid to the problem of planting of the campus. In the investigation the main representatives of plantations of trees were examined.
    The methods of improving of vegetable cover condition of the campus such as rational planting, zoned distribution, partial replacement of species, method of injection were proposed.


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