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Povolotskaya Irina

Povolotskaya Irina

Faculty of ecology and chemical technologies

Speciality: «Management of ecological safety$#187

Efficiency of gardening and its condition at Kirovskii region, Donetsk

Scientific adviser:Chaika Ludmila

About author

Summary of research and developments


        Actuality of theme. It is an actual problem to any large industrial center. The problem is the increasing of ecological efficiency at different elements of planting the greenery in the city according to the conditions of the limited territory.
        The purpose of work is determination of the state and specific composition of the green planting on the example of the Kirovskii region, Donetsk, and also calculation of their ecological and economic efficiency.
        The practical value of the work. The concrete assortment of plants is in-process certain, taking into account sanitary and hygienic functions and stability to the negative factors of environment, which can be used for planting of greenery at the district.

1. The survey of literature

        According to the literature facts we can find the characteristic of greenery planting at Donetsk region and the city of Donetsk in this section [6]. It has the analysis of kind composition and the forest districts index. There is the characteristic of the ecological framework and the dynamic of the green planting level in Donetsk regions [12]. This section presents basic functions of the green planting in the urbo-ecosistem and the life of the city society.

2. The influence of wasting the atmosphere air on the state of people’s health of Kirovskii district

       The Basic branches of industry in the district are coal and machine-building. Exceeding of concentrations over a norm from stationary sources is observed only on nitrogen of dioxide, and 1,6 makes the concentration that can’t be lower then normative.
        However there are 7 waste banks on territory of district, 2 from which – conflagrant. Conflagrant waste banks are the unorganized source of the troop landing of row matters: carbon of oxide, sulphureous gas, nitrogen of oxides, suppurated hydrogen, particulate matters. The negative affecting of these matters man shows up in the defeat of organs of breathing and heart-vessel system. The statistical information of district hospital is presented on a picture 2.1. It is about the structure of habitants` morbidity at Kirovskii district [12].

3. The results of green planting inventory at Kirovskii district, Donetsk

        The index of planting of greenery at Kirovskii district makes 9,5 m2/people, according to the norm 22 m2/people. The objects of the green planting include: 7 parks, 29 public gardens, 4 interblock gardens and 3 embankments.
        As a result of lead through, taking of inventory was exposed, that specific composition is very limited and presented 5–10 kinds from which meet most often: a horse chestnut, white acacia, a maple , poplar, a hanging birch, willow, a usual bird cherry tree and green ash, from coniferous – only a usual fir-tree. Most part of them behaves to old trees and their state is unsatisfactory.

4. The analysis of dust and gas-absorbed properties of the plants

        The analysis of properties of separate plants allowed distributing them on levels taking into account sanitary- hygienic functions and stability according to the unfavorable factors of environment (table 4.1) [2]. The ability to take in a dust is presented the following levels: 1 - low (to 0,08 kg/m2), 2 – middle (0,09 – 0,16 kg/m2), 3 – high (0,17 – 0,28 kg/m2). An index over of gas-absorbed is brought on sculpture dioxide and shows maintenance of So2 in the gram/kg of absolutely dry matter: 1 – low (to 8 gram/kg), 2 – middle (8-14 gram/kg), 3 – high – (15-22 gram/kg). Resistance to cold: 1 - unsteady plants; 2 – steady; 3 – very steady. Stability to dryness: 1 – unsteady; 2 – to middle stability; 3 – steady. Stability to salt and gas-resistant kinds is marked the sign of "+", and unsteady to salt of soils and gassed of the air – by the sign of "-" [1].

Table 4 - The description of sanitary- hygienic functions and stability of separate types of plants to the unfavorable factors of environment

5. The Practical use of results

        It is necessary to observe three major principles in a complex: the creation of the green planting of the different setting, the selection of assortment of plants and at their arrangement:
        1) ecological;
        2) systematic or phylogenies;
        3) decorative-aesthetic.
        The selection of assortment of plants must be carried out, foremost, on ecological principle, because the contamination of atmospheric air is characteristic the dust of pedigree dumps, nitrogen by dioxide, carbon by oxides, sulphureous by dioxide for the Kirovskii district.
        In obedience to a table the 4.1 best indexes of dust- and gas absorption at maximal stability to the unfavorable factors of environment have the followings kinds: a usual ash, a green ash, blue ash, a Canadian poplar, mulberry, the leather-branchy stuck and maple. Exactly these kinds must be primary at planting of greenery at sanitary-hygienic areas, protective-decorative bars and other types of the special planting in Kirovskii district [11].


        Level analysis of sanitary-hygienic indexes and stability give the possibility to distribute the types of plants on their positive affecting environment and man on the proper levels.
        According to the giving approach, for the followings kinds are recommended planting of greenery at Kirovskii district: a usual ash, a green ash, lilac, mulberry, the leather-branchy stuck a maple yasenelistnyy, field maple, usual privet.
        The results of the work can be presented as recommendations on planting of greenery at district for KP «Kirovskiy green building».

Animation (6 shots, continuous cycle)


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