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Master of DonNTU Artur Sysoyev

Artur Sysoyev

Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology

Department of Chemical Technology of Fuel

Speciality: Chemical technology of fuel and carbon materials

Theme of master's work:

Optimization of the technological mode of operation of the plant of compounding of the primary petroleum products with using computer modeling

Scientific adviser: c.s.c, professor's assistant, V. Oshovskiy

Abstract on theme of masters work


    In connection with world industrialization, development industry and offensive of epoch of universal consumption, the use of fuel resources all time increases. Fuel behave to the exhausted and unreproduced resources, therefore him an amount inexorably diminishes and a cost grows, and the booty of raw material for production of fuel becomes more difficult and labour intensive. Besides, placing of fuel resources in the world is uneven, and fight for a right possessions by them causes even soldiery conflicts between countries. Today one of main problems in a whole world are high prices on a fuel, factor, influencing on the economy of nation, state, city, or even families. Enterprises suffer from the price advance on a fuel, as a production cost rises. This phenomenon affects all spheres of vital functions of man. And such problem exists not only in Ukraine but also in a whole world. There is the problem of motor fuels with the use of aromatic products of Сoke factories in Ukraine [1]. Addition of the cleared benzol hydrocarbons consisting of matters with high octane numbers (benzol-98, toluene-124, ksylene-90) allows to get motor fuels of high detonation firmness from a mixture of petrols with low octane number. The such fuels must conform to requirements of «TУУ 21175459.002-97 Fuel motor with the aromatic additive». They are the mixture of low octane number petrol components from raw material or factories, which processes gas and oil and oil additives and components from Coke and chemical products. The motor fuels of the «MTA-76» and «MTA-92» with the aromatic additive are intended for carburetters, injectors, motor-car and motor cycle engines, and also engines of other setting. Motor transport enterprises, workshops, areas, filling stations are their basic users[1].


    Present actuality of theme of master's degree work - to optimize setting of compounding for the receipt of more high-quality fuel.
    Purpose of work - to get the optimized technological parameters of work of compounding installation, define optimum composition of mixture petrols.
    The article of master's degree work is setting of petrol compounding, composition of mixture petrol.
    Tasks of work:

  1. To get optimum composition of fuel (petrol), taking into account octanes numbers of the GP (grude petrol) and additive, which promote octane number.
  2. To model setting of compounding of fuel.
  3. To apply performances work do on production and get confirmation of rationality of the got results


    The problem of receipt of high-quality fuel was studied in DonNTU. Professor of Department of Chemical technology of the fuel Saranchuk V., associate professor of Department of Chemical technology of the fuel Оshovskij V. with colleagues examined the methods of receipt of high octane number fuel on Coke enterprise of Avdeevka [1]. In their work descriptions of the got fuel were certain and graph which allowed to determine the octane number (further OCh) of the BTK additive on the set composition and vice versa is built. Application of got graph on production for determination of the OCh aromatic additive to the low octane number petrols became the result of their researches.
    In Ukraine of research in the direction of receipt and study of properties of mixture petrols during the last years was not conducted in a wide scale. Sole proprietors are interested in the receipt of income.
    In the world the problem of receipt of high octane number fuel with the aromatic additives not very much is widely explored, as «western» enterprises prefer the standard oil additives to the fuels.


    On the method of the planned experiment 2к experiments will be based. It is planned to prepare mixtures with a different concentration of components: GP(grude petrol)+CMFA(aromatic component of motors fuel )+additive. Determination of levels of factors will be produced after the analysis of components and choice of terms of conducting of experiment. The value of octane number of the prepared mixture will be the function of response. It is planned to process findings in one of computer packages of mathematical statistics and build graph of determination of octane number of mixtures petrol depending on concentration of components and get the mixture of optimum composition as functional dependence of kind:

Octane number(optimal) = А*GP + В*CMFA + С*additive - D*GP*CMFA + E*CMFA*additive + F*GP*additive + G*GP*CMFA*adiitive

    Superficial graph of the octane number dependence from composition will look in like manner:

Picture 1 - Superficial graph

    It is desirable to mark that implementation of master's degree work is on the stage of literary data and determination of methods and methods of conducting of the planned experiment and creation of mathematical model of process capture.


    Implementation of the tasks put in master's degree work will allow to optimize the technological parameters of functioning of setting of compounding; to get optimum composition of petrol, which will allow to reduce unjustified expenses on the additives and additions, stabilize descriptions of mixtures petrol and his conduct in engines.


  1. Производство высокооктанового бензина на Авдеевском КХЗ, Кокс и Химия, 2001(5), с.23-26
  2. Лисицын Н.В., Гошкин В.П., Поздяев В.В., Кузичкин Н.В. Методология построения системы оптимального компаундирования товарных нефтепродуктов // Химическая промышленность. – 2003. – № 8. – С. 15–20.
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  6. Адлер Ю.П., Маркова Е.В., Грановский Ю.В. Планирование эксперимента при поиске оптимальных условий. – М.: Наука, 1976.
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  8. Fisher R.A., The Design of Experiments. 6-th ed, London, Оliver and Boyd, 1951.

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