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Velychko Olena

Velychko Olena

Faculty:of Ecology and Chemical Technology

Speciality: Ecological geology

Theme of master's work:

Ekologo-geological description of features of the area distributing of "small" and toxic elements is in coals of "Novovolynskaya" mine (Lvov-Volhynia pool)

Scientific adviser: Kupenko Vladimir

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Average mark in the period of study at the University was 4.92. I know Russian and Ukrainian languages. I know English in volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence. I have an experience with programs and packages. There are Scilab, Surfer 8.0, SPSS 15.0, GEOS, Microsoft Office 2003 - 2007. I like to travel with my friends and with my parents.

Short biography:


My name is Portenko Elena. I was born on the 14-th of May, in Makeyevka. On that time my mother was a third-course student of Donetsk Medical University and my father was finishing his Mining College and he was also working. So I spent a lot of time with my grandparents and aunt. When I was three, I began to go to the kindergarten "Romashka". There were wonderful teachers and kids. We were thought dancing, singing and reciting poems.


In 1995 I started my studying in the school ¹8 in Makeyevka. My form was very friendly. There were a lot of children from our kindergarten. So studying for us was fan and interesting. After finishing the 9-th form I passed successfully all of my final exams and entered Lyceum ¹1 in Makeyevka. I studied in humanitarian form. I took an active part in public life of my form and my school. I had a lot of friends there.


After finishing the 11-th form I decided to enter Donetsk National Technical University. My choice was occasional because this University is one of the oldest ones in Donetsk Region. So I entered to the DonNTU. My speciality is "Ecologycal Geology". In the institute I met very interesting and creative persons. I had a geological practice in the Crimea. It was great. After the second year I got married and change my surname to Velychko. On April 2008 I receive driving license category “B”. I took part in conferences that were in our University; I also had a diploma of the participator of the “Ukraine Students Practical Conferens” as for actual problems of environmental protection. After passing my state exams I graduated from my university with honors and got the Bachelors Degree. Then I entered the Magistracy of this University. My practice was connected with the investigation of the toxically elements of coal. Nowadays this problem is very actual.


In the nearest future I would like to study this problem deeply and write an article about it. I also want to find an interesting job where I can show all of my best features.

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