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 Zagoriy Julia

Oleg Dvirnyk

Faculty of Management

Speciality: Quality standards certification

Theme of master's work: economic efficiency of quality-management system

Scientific adviser:Masyuk Leonid



Theme urgency. .Urgency of the theme. In recent years in Ukraine, as in the former Soviet Union greatly increased interest in issues management, management, transformation of organizational structures of companies. Unfortunately, this interest was only recently.

In world practice recently created many new concepts and methods of management: Business process reengineering (BPR), Total Quality Management (TQM), balanced scorecard (BSC), statistical process control (SPC), coaching, model ISO international standards 9000, ISO 14000, HACCP, "Five S», «Six Sigma and many more. Unfortunately, the post-Soviet countries have their development in this area. No traditions, schools, the experience of predecessors, not-established management systems. Ukrainian managers is therefore much to learn from foreign techniques to survive and stay competitive.

Question the efficiency and effectiveness of quality management systems (SMK) remain relevant since the widespread use of ISO 9000, ie more than 15 years. The standard ISO 9000:2000 term "effectiveness" is defined as the degree of achievement of planned results, "efficiency" - how the relationship between the results achieved and resources utilized. In fact, efficiency refers to the achievement of organizational goals, it is the nature of "teleological" and reflects a certain degree of strategy, but rather refers to the efficiency and use of company resources during the implementation strategy.

Complexity of the problem analysis and assessment of effectiveness and efficiency associated with them bahatoaspektnist (we consider these categories in relation to production (service), production process or system in general) and multi (company in general, units, business processes, job) .

As the main arguments in favor of efficiency and effectiveness of SMK usually expressed as follows: 1. reduce costs at all stages of product life cycle (reducing costs of "bad quality"), 2. increase in income (increase market share and the corresponding volume of sales, including through a justified price increases), 3. improve handling companies due to higher efficiency and validity of decisions taken

Today most professionals SMK clear that efficiency and effectiveness of various stakeholders - different, that it is always a question of some balance their interests and possible compromise. What to believe the result and effect - is primarily a question of strategy. In principle, any parameters can be used to assess the impact and effectiveness of management systems.

In other words, evaluation of performance management systems as a whole and, in particular, is possible only on the basis of indicators that take into account the interests and satisfaction of all parties concerned, and in the strategic plan. Effectively that promotes strategies for several or all stakeholders simultaneously, with the lowest cost of all types of resources and for quite some time. Activities can be directed only at consumers, shareholders, staff or community separately. This - a direct path to bankruptcy, and in any case, no road leader. However, as it does not seem paradoxical, and rightly claim that almost any indicator used in management practice, can serve as indicators of effectiveness, or system management. This, incidentally, one of the key principles of the balanced scorecard, however, only if it reflects the company's strategy and used to assess the effectiveness of using certain teaching methods.