A.A.Akusova, A.A.Toporov

Donetsk national technical university

Ïåðåâîä âûïîëíèë:Êàëèíè÷åíêî Ð.Ñ., Ñòàòüè: Àêóñîâà À.À.Ê ÎÏÐÅÄÅËÅÍÈÞ ÓÐÎÂÍß ÎÏÀÑÍÎÑÒÈ ÎÁÎÐÓÄÎÂÀÍÈß ÍÀ ÑÒÀÄÈÈ ÝÊÑÏËÓÀÒÀÖÈß/À.À.Àêóñîâà, À.À.Òîïîðîâ//Äîíåöê, 2010ã.—ñ.ñ.162-163


Work of the chemical equipment is connected with processing, storage and transportation of various environments, including, toxic, a fire - and explosive. At the same time frequently technological processes pass at heats, pressure which can change in the big limits during all process. All it does the equipment of the chemical enterprises potentially dangerous. As one of major factors of danger of the chemical equipment is its strong deterioration arising at joint influence of mechanical loadings and the corrosion environment of the equipment or its environment.

On a design stage the danger of the equipment arising at occurrence of emergencies is defined. For the chemical equipment as danger understand basically uncontrollable emission of energy at failure, i.e. the working environment power potential is considered. For example, energy of explosion of substances, thermal radiation, toxic influences. Such understanding of danger allows to define the greatest possible emission of energy at equipment destruction. The knowledge of the maximum danger allows to accept a number of measures on its decrease; calculation of optimum technological parametres (pressure, temperature, concentration, speed of movement of environments, etc.), placing, design strengthening.

However such understanding of danger does not allow to define level of danger of the equipment during operation. For definition of level of danger of the equipment during the set moment of operation of the equipment it is necessary to consider not only equipment power potential, but also its technical condition. Ò.å, considering danger of the equipment, we will allocate two basic aspects which form it: 1) power potential of the equipment which acts as motive power, danger occurrence; and 2) function of a condition of the equipment which constrains energy liberation, i.e. resistance to danger occurrence.

Thus, it is possible to express danger of object function depending on power potential and a technical condition of object.

Danger = Function energy potential / condition Function

As condition function it is possible to accept a residual resource, factor of safety factor of the equipment, failure rate, etc. it is Sometimes more convenient to use return size of a residual resource — degree of degradation of the equipment then danger is equal:

Danger — power potential Function * Degree degradation

Thus degradation degree is likelihood size. It is connected by what to consider all proceeding degradation processes practically not probably. And as degradation processes have likelihood character since the factors causing processes are not constant and constantly change in time, ò.å are random variables. Thus, because of likelihood character of function of degree of degradation of the equipment, danger of the equipment during the set moment of time, is likelihood size.

The minimum danger of the equipment arises at a normal operating mode of the equipment and the minimum degree of degradation.

The maximum danger of the equipment arises at achievement of critical level of degradation of elements of system and the maximum power potential. I.e. when there comes a limiting condition the equipment, and the power potential has the greatest value. Such case leads to failure occurrence, t.i. danger is realised.

However for danger realisation, t.i emergency occurrence, it is not obligatory coincidence of all adverse cases (the maximum power potential and degradation degree). First, the emergency can arise at achievement of degree of degradation of limiting value, at normal technological indicators, t.i comes degradation refusal - the refusal caused by natural processes of ageing, wear process, corrosion and weariness at observance of all established rules and norms of designing, manufacturing and operation. Secondly, at achievement of the maximum value of power potential, thus it is not provided at designing that the equipment can maintain such loadings (it sometimes unfairly expensively to carry out), t.i there comes technological refusal. The third case when there is a certain combination of values of power potential and degradation degree at which there can be an emergency. For the concrete equipment this combination probably to count and define critical danger, t.i at which potential danger passes value in the real.

To factors of resistance of danger, except the service life, it is possible to carry protection frames and preventions of emergencies. For the account of their influence it is possible to allocate them in separate group, for this purpose we enter criterion of equipment of object protection frames or criterion of additional resistance of danger. Then danger is equal:

Danger Function energy potential * Degree degradatsii/criterion

Equipment of object protection frames

The criterion of equipment of the equipment protection frames includes as action for decrease and adjustment of power potential of the equipment at the expense of automatic control systems in technological parametres, and means on increase of resistance to action energy potential.

This criterion of additional resistance of danger is necessary for entering both by consideration of separate object, and at definition of danger of group of objects. For example, if protection frames do not concern concrete technological object, and are protection frames of the whole technological process. It is necessary to define to that the criterion of resistance in the presence of this or that protection frame is equal. Calculation it is necessary to make the since the same protection frames differently influence each equipment for each equipment, for one they can prevent danger to others only to reduce consequences, thus it is necessary to consider; the protection frame interferes with occurrence of an emergency or reduces negative influence; degree of operation of the accident protection device; influence on resistibility of a part of the equipment or as a whole; what quantity of all possible breakages influences, etc.

Definition of degree of danger at an operation stage will allow to supervise level of danger of the equipment and not to suppose achievement of danger of critical value at which there is a transition of potential danger to the actual.