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Kutnyashenko Alexey

Kutnyashenko Alexey

Faculty of engineering mechanics and mechanical engineering

Speciality "Equipment for chemical plants and enterprises of building materials"

"Experimental researches and modelling of dynamic
processes agglomerations of firm particles"

About author

The author's abstract

Theme urgency

Last decades in Ukraine the problem firm industrial (FIW) and a household waste (FHW) first of all because of huge and all their accruing quantity, a variety of properties and generating sources, absence of high-efficiency, non-polluting processes of their processing has become aggravated.

Owing to energetically-raw specialisation of the industry of Ukraine most part FIW is formed at extraction and enrichment of ore and nonmetallic materials. In region Donetsko-Pridneprovskom billions tons of a waste of the coal industry, coals processing and ñîñe-chemistry are saved up. Sediment bowls and ranges of this waste occupy the big areas and pollute underground waters. The considerable power chemical potential of a carbon waste is used for secondary processing slightly.

Not less the difficult situation has developed with FHW which accumulate on Firm industrial wastes garbage tanks and ranges without observance of measures on protection surrounding environments. Meanwhile FHW contain many valuable secondary components which can and should be used for the further processing.

One of the main tasks of the program of use of the firm household waste, the Ukraine accepted by the Cabinet on 2005-2011, is effective uses of a waste as power resource and trial introduction of complex processing and their recycling important components.

In this connection working out of new technologies of processing FHW and FIW on the basis of knowledge of their properties is actual. Processing of mixes carbon FHW and FIW in chamber furnaces with reception of firm fuel and useful chemical products (pitch, benzene, sulphur, fuel gas) is an effective direction in the decision of this problem of termolis. Technical complexity termolis processings of any FHW and FIW is connected with heterogeneity of their properties, therefore process of preparation of raw materials is very important.

Preparation of raw weight includes stages of creation from various on properties initial FHW and FIW homogeneous enough multicomponent, heterogeneous mixes with the set properties.

One of ways of preliminary preparation for use, storage and processing of disperse raw materials is agglomeration small fractions and granulation. These processes improve technological properties of raw materials: ecological compatibility, uniformity etc. For their realisation the special equipment should be used, and the considerable quantity of essentially different technologies and cars now is known. However many questions connected with a substantiation of type, and modes of process and technics demand parametres theoretical and experimental researches.

Drawing 1. - process of formation of granules and agglomerates

Granulation and agglomeration - similar processes. Disperse particles in the presence of adhesion and certain external conditions form at first small kernels-granules (from 0,01 mm) which then, in the course of the further processing, in the form of enough large formations, can reach the sizes to 10 and more mm. They possess certain structure and correct spherical or ellips form.

Granulation-agglomeration process, as a rule, is accompanied by the undesirable opposite directed process of destruction of granules and agglomerates owing to their impact and at influence of other dynamic loadings. Sometimes destruction of granules and agglomerates proceeds with formation of large clods of the wrong form (conglomerates) and even with sticking of the equipment that leads to a process stop (technological refusal).

The purpose and research problems

The purpose of my work is researches of factors of restoration for particles of a various material, and also creation of mathematical model of granulation process for concrete industrial schemes.

For achievement of these purposes before me following problems are put:

Scientific novelty

  1. The received results will allow to raise efficiency of process of granulation-agglomeration more than on 20 %;

  2. The carried out researches will allow to apply granulation-agglomeration processes at stages of preliminary preparation of a firm disperse waste at processing by their method termolis-power processing;

  3. The carried out researches will throw light on many physicomechanical characteristics of the various materials saved on ranges of industrial wastes.

Planned practical application of results of work

Tests of properties of materials all necessary for granulation process will allow to define parametres, and also will allow to create the detailed mechanism of process for concrete industrial schemes in technology termolis-power processing of waste. It is planned to enter granulation-agglomeration stages at following stages of technology:

Drawing 2. - the Basic scheme of method termolis-power processing of waste with granulation-agglomeration use.

About author