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Medved Margarita

Medved Margarita

Faculty of mechanics and engineering

Speciality: Computer control of hydravlic and pneumatic systems

Theme of master's work:

Research of hydro-pulsive method of cleaning a metal rolling mill scale from

Scientific adviser: Kolomiec Valery

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


My average mark in the period of studies in university was 4, 73.

I’m fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages; upper intermediate level in English language allows me to read and to correspond with.

I have the bachelor's degree on a speciality "Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment".

I fluently use software packages of Microsoft office 2003 (2007), MathCad 14.0, Lab View 8.2, Festo Fluid Sim, COMPASS 10, Paint NET 3.5

My personal qualities are skill to communicate, diligence, inquisitiveness, assiduity and restraint.

I am the citizen of Ukraine.

Married status: single.

Short biography


On March, 18th, 1988 I was born. My parents workers. My father, Vyacheslav Medved, he is driver. My mother, Tatyana Medved, works on mine now. I have younger sister, Ekaterina Medved, she is the fashion designer.

I since the childhood am accustomed to responsibility and independence. I very much liked to draw and "knit" (actually confused threads). I was the obedient, judicious and inquisitive child. When to me 4 years were executed, I have gone to a kindergarten. Since early years was interested in books. I very much loved Hans Christian Andersen's stories and often asked to read them before a dream. My childhood has passed cheerfully and carefree.


9/1/1995 has gone to the first class of Velikoshishovsky school. My mother has learnt me to read. I studied on "five" and "four". To me handed over the certificates for successes in study. Many thanks to my first teachers. They concerned us, as to the own children.

In 2002 my family has moved to the city of Torez. I have started to be trained at school ¹6. I have easily become friends with boys and girls.

I very much loved mathematics and the literature. I took part in the competitions on mathematics and the Ukrainian language. Participated in sports competitions and occupied prize-winning places. School days were the best years of my life.


In June, 2005 I have entered the Donetsk national technical university on a speciality "Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment". It was at first difficult, but it became then easier. I very much liked lectures on speciality subjects.

In 2009 has passed the state examination perfectly well and has received the bachelor's degree. I have arrived in a magistracy on a speciality "Computer design of hydraulic and pneumatic systems" a budgetary mode of study.

I am now trained in a magistracy. I write scientific work on a theme "Research of hydro-pulsive method of cleaning a metal rolling mill scale from" under the direction of c.t.s., senior lecturer Valery Kolomiets.

Plans for the future

I have many plans for the future, but the life is not predicted. I will make all efforts for realisation conceived.

In December I plan to protect scientific work perfectly well. I wish to find interesting and perspective work.

I wish to improve knowledge of English language and to visit the USA.

DonNTU | Master's portal | Abstract