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Chernysh Igor

Chernysh Igor

Faculty: Computer Science

Departmen: Ńomputer engineering

Speciality: Computer Systems and Networks

Theme of master's work:

Research of structures of composition firmware control units with the general adressing in the base of standard LIS

Scientific adviser: Zelenyova Irina

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Short biography:


I was born on January, 18, 1988 in glorious city Donetsk. At that time my mother Ljudmila Chernysh was working schief in a grocery store, and a dad, Igor Chernysh, was a driver. In a year and seven months my brother was borned. His name is Oleg. Since that time I was responsible for him.

My parents divorced after a little bit of time. My dad went back into his home town Makeevka. My mother left to Poland where she wanted to find some work, then — to Turkey, Germany and, finally — to Hungary where she works till today. I and Oleg moved to the Gorlovka where our grandmother lived. My grandmother's name is Pugacheva Tamara Ivanovna. I think she is as hard as nails. She saw all shocking events of the Word War ?? and didn’t give up.


I went out to school when I was 7. It is situated in Gorlovka in the urban settlement Kondrat'evka. My first teacher was Yakunova Ljudmila Fedorovna. At school I was a very assiduous student and studied very good. I had not any conflicts with my classmates and was very friendly to everybody. I was interested in sport since the first class. I tried to show the best results on every lesson of physical training. I often took part in city competitions in athletics. The command of my school occupied prize places on such competitions very often.

I was full of energy at school. Therefore I began to be engaged in heavy athletics in which attained high results. I even was an example for my friends.

I loved exact sciences at school, but the most interested subject for me was Russian literature. I was one of the favourite students for teacher of Russian literature Bucyka Valentina Vladimirovna. I would like to express my special atitude to this person. She gave me a faith in myself, a space for my ideas, and delight for my soul.

I very loved my school, therefore it was very hard for me to live it.


I chose the institute and speciality when I was in 11 class. My mother always wanted me to study in DonNTU, and I liked to work with electronics and computers. My speciality became «Computers system and network».

I was written down on to the course of mathematics and informatics in the same university. In April according to the results of ratings I passed on speciality «Computers system and network». I still studied in school so it was very pleasantly for me to become a student of DonNTU.

I had to show all of the persistence and patience during the period of studing in the university. There was a lot of work and it should be done in time. I lived in Gorlovka. I had to get up very early and ride to Donetsk. I was very very short of time because also a had to do a lot of work in my garden.

The most benefit was brought to me by the studing of the followings subjects: Programming, System programming for Windows and Linux, Microelectronics, OOP, Designing of automates of the computer systems, Peripheral units, Computer systems, Computer electronics, Computer architecture, Parallel automates, Concurrent programming.

I went for employments in English language, and also to the course of Java programming. On courses I felt myself confidently due to knowledges I have got in the university, so i understood everything quickly enough.

It is especially necessary to mark the followings teachers: Gubar' Y. V., Teplinskiy S. V., Zelenevoy I. Y. They help me to become a specialist in my work.

Getting the diploma of bachelor, I decided not to stop my studing. I wanted to achive master's degree. I chose the scientific leader Zelenevu Irene. She is associate professor of department KI. The theme of my master's degree work is «Research and optimization structures of composition microcircuits of control units with general addresing».

I myself improved my skills in the internet technologies. One of my last steps in this area was studies of administration under OS of Linux, and it implies close connection with the internet.

My plans for the future

"You want to be happy — be them"

This phrase once changed my life. I realized that the whole world is opened to me, but it is not accessible to everybody. In fact there are people who couldn’t get many of our gladnesses; people which are bedridden or rooted to the wheelchair; people which are forced from babyhood to protect their country.

Now my professional plans for the nearest future are:

Distant aims:

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