Olya Orda

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology (CST)
Department: Computer monitoring systems (CMR)
Speciality: "Computer ecological-economic monitoring"
Theme of Master's Work: "The monitoring system to improve management faculty"
Scientific Supervisor: Ph.D.( in Engineering), dean of the CST Faculty Alexander Anoprienko

Brief Resume

Date of birth: : October 1, 1988
Average mark in bachelor's degree: 4,98
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English (reading)
Programming languages: Pascal, C/C++, C#,Java
Web-programming: НТМL, CSS
DBMS: Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server
Work with a drawing: Macromedia Flash, Adobe Photoshop
Mathematical packages: Mathworks Matlab
Modelling packages: Rational Rouse
Work with OS: Windows 98/XP/Vista/7
Design of networks: NetBeans
Office tools: MS Office 98/2000/2003/2007/2010, MS Visio, MS PowerPoint
Managerial capacity: self-organization, responsibility, initiative, punctuality
Personal qualities: the ability to adapt, sociability, politeness, kindness, ability and desire to work in a team.
Hobbies: dance, music, acting, organizing of events.
Personal data: Ukrainian, not married



I was born on the first of October. This period falls on the zodiacal sign Libra. For people who were born under this zodiacal sign are very difficult to make a choice. These people weigh all the facts and all the time they balance everything. But what is more, these people are just and earnest. To my mind, I have got all these traits of character. Not only the moon influenced me, but my dearest people, I mean, my mother, father and brother made a lot for me.

My Mother is Lubov Semenovna Orda is the kindest and the gentlest person who can resolve any conflict and who is completely unable to hurt another person. My Father is Aleksander Orda is a very intelligent and well-educated man. It seems to me he has read as many books and an educational magazines as no one has read during the whole life. But what is very important, that he has been able to use the skill and knowledge he has gained in his life. For example, he has an answer to every my question.

My Brother is Igor. He is my teacher of the subject, called "Life" and he always gives me right pieces of advice. He is 15 years my senior. During my childhood, he told me about true-to-life stories that happened to him and his friends. These stories taught me how to behave in my life.

I was obedient girl. I listened to the parents and my brother. I am grateful to my mum, dad and brother for everything that they have made for me. I went to the kindergarten since I was 3 years old. I am proud of this fact. To my mind, I started to grow from that time. I loved my kindergarten, children and my teachers. To my mind, that time was really good.


I “sat at school desk”, I mean I began to learn when I was still in the kindergarten, I liked listening to the teacher and I made all exercises. After lessons I stayed in the kindergarten and helped my teachers. I’d like to say I love little children so I spent all the time with them until my mother came after work, took me home and we went to the dance classes. I must confess exactly at that time I was keen on dance seriously. I have been dancing all my life. I like dancing everywhere. The dance for me is when my body is under the power of musical rhythm. I had to stop dancing because I was busy with preparing for the entering exams into DonNTU. But that time wasn’t spent in vain, I got excellent points the rating.

But let’s back to my happy school years. Learning at school I attended all possible hobby groups (such as drawing, English, acting, music and even sewing) in center of aesthetic education, which was near my house. When I was in the 7th form I finished music school on piano classes with excellent marks. But unfortunately, I haven’t played since that time. Frankly speaking, I was afraid of exams in the music school and I was afraid of playing in front of a large number of people. Nowadays I don’t understand why it has happened so. But I want to recollect all my music skills.

After the eighth form I entered the lyceum "Intellect". The first half of the school year at this lyceum was a good “life school” for me. We were too small and different, everybody wanted to persist in his/her own opinion so we argued a lot. But then we became good friends. I have been an active member for the whole life. I participated in all school events. In 2004 year I participated with my dancing team in the election campaign of one of the presidential candidates. But that time I was only interested in different places that we visited but not in the political situation of the country.


Donetsk national technical university interested me. In my opinion, technical sciences have systemacy and structure, one can come to a difficult conclusion by consecutive steps using different formulas and logic. Speciality “Computer Ecological and Economic Monitoring” was the closest to me. I guess it includes many interesting and general sciences which help to work in different spheres.

At first I was very obedient. I came home and did my homework, but some time later I changed my attitude to studying, it became more creative activity than compulsory. I also took part in different extracurricular activities of my faculty. The situation at university was completely different in comparison with the situation in the lyceum. I had very good relationship with my fellow students. We always wanted to help each other in a difficult situation and to support each other.I got only excellent marks at the end of the first term. I was so happy. So I decided to follow this good “tradition” and up to the end of studying I got only excellent marks.

I began to prepare for Master’s degree from the very beginning. My parents gave me a good piece of advice: to enter easily a graduate course and get Master’s degree I should study very good. All masters should write diploma work, my scientific supervisor was Aleksander Anoprienko. I met him when we made preparations for celebration of the day of our faculty. Alexander Anoprienko didn’t read lectures in our group, we didn’t know him, but when I got to know him I understood that he was an easy-going person. He always finds a way out of a difficult situation, gives good pieces of advice and if it is necessary he can criticize. To my mind it's an important point! So I firmly decided to write my diploma work under the direction of Aleksander Anoprienko. The theme was following: "The monitoring system to improve management faculty"

Future plans

Everybody, especially the young people, want to move to the capital city or even to another country in order to fulfill themselves I can’t say for 100% if I want to go to another city or not. I guess, I’m a true patriot of my city and my country I was born here; I grew up here, and from childhood this city taught and developed me. Now I want to make a little contribution into my native city. So, these are my future plans. I want my city be well-developed and attractive for foreign investors.

Designed by Olya Orda