Chernikov Sergey Sergeevich

Faculty: Physico-metallurgical (PMF)

Speciality: Industrial heating technology's (IHÒ)

Subject of master's work:   Development of the thermal mode of the impulsive heating and
                                                    research of optimization of heating threw in existent thermal
                                                    stoves on the basis of the complex zonal attended model.

Scientific adviser: professor, d.t.s. Kravtsov V.V.

About me

Average ballet at period of the education: 4,7;
Languages of the contact: russian, ukrainian - freely, english with a dictionary;
Have an experience of the work in ambience of the development: Adobe Photoshop, MS Office, ÊOMPAS;
Personal quality: persistence, responsiblity, ability to quick education and command work.

Short biography

   I bore on January, 27, 1988 in one of maternity hospitals of city Enakievo. On this occasion did not write in newspapers and did not declare on radio, this event did not enter in history (possibly, still ahead) and did not become sensation. But in became the world, at least, by one man anymore - and it is sensation already. Certainly, that it happened due to my parents: Chernikov Sergey Yuriyevich and Chernikova Olga Nikolaevna. Brothers in and sisters are not present.
   Childhood it is accepted to consider the happiest and carefree pore it is sorry that to him already never to return. Perhaps, my childhood was just the same, not without complications, in itself, but on the whole the early period of my life is seen to me very optimistically. In general nothing unusual, all as at many is kindergarten, dream somewhat quicker to grow, summer in the country, walks, hammered together knees. In childhood was a very curious child: took apart everything, that got in the field of my sight, beginning from toys and alarm clocks, and concluding different electronic devices. For some reason there were superfluous details at the subsequent assembling. Strange.
   When I was 6 years ago, time to walk up a next step in an educational process came: satchelled and by a nosegay in one hand in other, I went on the first school bell in Gymnasium ¹37 cities of Enakievo. An abc-book and spelling mastered quickly, but gave preference to more exact sciences, because as early as initial classes understood that humanity - it not my.
   But my interests were not limited to only the studies. In a 5th class became interested boxing, then swimming which and now continue to addict to. Made off with a difference musical school on the class of guitar. Not looking on employments studies were succeeded sport on glory, especially on mathematics and physics, that was reflected in frequent appearances on olympiads. It was always succeeded by a mind and quick wits to conquer prize places. School made off on fine, but, unfortunately, without a medal.
   In summer of 2005, well handing over preliminary examinations I became student DonNTU.
   The first day in an university remember from A to Z. Probably, many will remember this mixed sense of novelty, pride for itself and agitation. It was interestingly and a bit terribly. Enormous educational corps with the labyrinth of corridors (äà-äà, in the third corps I lost way exactly!), long pair and enormous audiences, new teachers and unknown îäíîãðóïïíèêè. And all of it so quickly became native and usual!
   And for this time traction to knowledge took it - to study it was much interesting in an university, than at school. Considering that it is needed to study to all, what it is taught, including to philosophy, sociology, ðåëèãèîâåäåíèþ of and other, I however with much more zeal taught the specialized objects which read teachers of our faculty of FMF. For years studies the great number of interesting courses was listened, hundreds of laboratory works are done, the mountains of literature are studied.
   Upon termination of fourth course and receipt of diploma of bachelor I was able to continue teaching in a city council due to a high middle bulk-tanker.
Plans on the future
   In respect of plans on the future.. will Be unoriginal, but it would be desirable upon termination of university first of all to find interesting and well paid work. Not at all I spare about the choice to the profession, it would be desirable to work on speciality, to have prospects of professional height and obtain certain successes in this area. But main, perhaps, even not herein. It is desirable to become personality, man which can to itself to say : "Yes! I can obtain a great deal, and I do" it! It is already done something, much more coming yet. Think, I on a faithful way!
Golden Pine Cone

Materials to work