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Galukhina Irine

Faculty: Physical and Metallurgical

Speciality: Material Science

Theme of master's work:

Research of Influence of an Initial Structural Condition and Speed of Heating on Size Grain of an Austenite in Heat Treatment Low Alloyed Steel with used for Production of Plates

Scientific adviser: Associate Professor Nickolay Egorov T.

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Ñontact |

Short biography:

I was born on January, 23rd 1989. In 1995 I had gone to a grammar school of "Korn", then 1997-2005 I was trained in the Ukrainian grammar school ¹18. In 2005 I has arrived in DonNtU in a direction «Physical materials technology», in 2009 I has arrived in a magistracy of DonNtU on a speciality "Metallurgical science". The bachelor's degree score has made 4,68.

The labour activity has begun from 14 years old. I have the work experience more half a year, worked as the younger expert on Joint-Stock Company "Visavi" - the operating company of Open Society «Kramatorsky metal works», then the inspector in BSI Ukraine. Such experience has allowed to understand corporate culture, has learnt to organisation, dynamical work in a command, has developed communicative abilities. Interest to active work in a command, productivity and the adopted corporate culture have forced to search for applications of the knowledge during training at university that has found the reflexion in participation in trainings seminars on business - to planning, motivation, HR to management. All it has allowed to form the team in system of direct sales of the company «Mary Kay», having passed a way from the beginner to the future leader business – groups for three months. Work on the program has given the chance to receive performance experience before versatile target audiences, presentation experience of representation of the company, and also time management experience. During training at university participated in the trainings, the organised leading European companies in Moscow among which the invitation to work from the company «Ventra Employment» has been got.

I Have skills of work with programs Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, an operational experience in Internet, I own work bases in AutoCad, the Compass, Ansys.

Freely I know Russian, an Ukrainian language languages, on an average level English and base Polish languages.

Simultaneously I am engaged in reception of the second formation on a speciality «International economy» in DonNu.

DonNTU > Master's portal || Abstract| Ñontact |