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Êóëàêîâñêàÿ Àííà Âèêòîðîâíà    Anna Kulakovskayà

   Faculty: Physico-metallurgical
   Applied material science
   Theme of master's work:
   Structure and Properties of Coverings Black and Nonferrous Metals

   Scientific adviser: associate professor Svetlana Petruschak



     Middle mart in the period of studies in university 4,7. Freely I know Russian, an Ukrainian language In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English also Polish languages/

Short biography

     Was born on December, 14th, 1987 in a family of the bookkeeper and the engineer. Åherefore the first 5 years of the life has lived in the city of Enakievo. In 1994 we with a family have moved to Donetsk. In the first class I have gone on September, 1st, 1995 to school ¹86 Kirov areas. Has finished the first class on 5, and then we have moved to Kalininsky area and in the second class I have gone already to 8 school. For years of training at school I tested divergently.
     In 3-5 classes I was engaged in swimming. I have not achieved any heights, but have learnt to swim, for as is grateful to parents. In 5-8 classes was engaged in sports ball dances in òàíöêëóáå "Standard" under the direction of remarkable trainer Dun Maxim Vladimirovicha. He has learnt to love dance, to feel it and it is beautiful to execute it. I have received remarkable school. Since then I cannot live without dance. And though I already long time am not engaged in dances professionally, the skills received at that time live and develop in me about now.
     About 5 classes has begun deeper studying of the computer and some bases of programming. About 3th years was engaged in studying of programming language TurboPaskal. In 7 class was trained at school of models EliteModelMillenium and has received the diploma in a direction podium model.
     At 9-10 classes I have taken a great interest in psychology. Together with friends visited a circle «the Person and the world of trades» in ÄÞÒ «the Young technician». Our circle participated in the organisation of celebratory concerts, and also concerts by day of struggle against AIDS and a HIV-infection. The purpose of these concerts was the report to youth of idea of correct understanding of the given problem. Also in 10 class I participated in a regional beauty contest "Ms. Afrodita+Mister Apollo" where has won a title «Ms. Aphrodite». 11 class I have devoted all to study to arrive in a higher educational institution.
     All training at school took active part in its educational activity. Every year participated in the Olympic Games in various subjects (history, geography, mathematics, physics). In 11 class participated in the Regional stage to the Vseukrainsky Olympic Games on Stories of Ukraine where has occupied 3 place. Same year my research work on Stories of Ukraine on a theme «OUN-UPA in 39-40th years of the XX-th century» has won first place among scientific works of Small Academy of sciences of Ukraine Kalininsky area.
     In school days very much liked to go in nurseries improving camp. Mine favourite – the DALE of O.Koshevogo in Novoazovske. Always took active part in various competitions and numbers, for what received numerous reading and writing and certificates of progress and good conduct for active participation in a camp life.
     I have finished school in 2005 with a gold medal. Has arrived on rating testing for a speciality «Applied materials technology» of Phiziko-metallurgical faculty.
     As to the University aculties on a speciality. The choice has fallen yes Fiziko-metallurgical faculty, chair «Physical materials technology» thanks to the teacher of chair of mathematics to the Hussar. He has advised to pay attention to a speciality ìàòåðèàëîâåäà. Further, I have never regretted about the choice.
      If to speak about years of training in high school at the first year I participated in the Debut of the first-year student, the Bottom of Faculty, in general, conducted an active public way of life. In the end of the first course I began to work as the promoter. 2 years of work in this sphere have allowed to develop in me various psychological qualities: it became easier to me to find common language with people, ability of revealing of requirements of the person, let not at global level, but has developed at present. By the end of the of "promotion career» people became interesting to me and I built the work more on dialogue with people, instead of on necessity to advance my product.
     On a third year I have decided to light completely myself to study, therefore have left work. I liked at once in what I will be engaged. And, in spite of the fact that besides university, I had more many different employment, I studied very well. In the first a course I wished to study in a magistracy and, probably, to continue the training in postgraduate study. Problems with study at me did not arise, as always loved studies, three in the diploma are not present, therefore my mean score after the termination bachelor has appeared on 3rd place, it has allowed me to arrive in a magistracy on the budget. I very much like in what I am engaged, with pleasure perform the research works, after all at me the remarkable instructor – supervisor of studies Petrushchak Svetlana. It helps me with comprehension of subtleties of huge branch of knowledge – materials technology.

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