DonNTU > Master's portal

Yudin Artem

Yudin Artem

Faculty: Physics and metallurgical faculty

Speciality: Metallurgy of ferrous metals

Theme of master's work:

Development and research of technology of smelting of cast-iron at the optimum expense of powdered coal in the conditions of metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine

Scientific adviser: Mischenko Ivan Mitrofanovich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract| library | Search report | References |

Something about me

Freely I own the Russian and Ukrainian languages. In a volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, own English. Middle ball for all period of teaching in an university, made - 4,86. I have an experience in Microsoft Office, Mathcad, Kompas-3d, Macro HTML and in all of the front-rank searching systems of Internet, among which Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and similarly many other. I know about programming in the environment of DELPHI, Visual Basic.


What about my childhood, I borned on July, 3, 1988 in Donetsk. Parents: father - Yudin Alexander, who was born in 1955; mother - Yudina Larisa, she's born in 1960. In childhood I was smart and curious child, interested in all. My favourite toy was a designer, because I always want to created something new. I never could not long stay on one place.


I went to school in 7 years old. I have many of deeds for successes in studies. Defended honour of the school, uchavstvuya in olympiads on different objects. I was always interested by exact sciences, such as algebra, geometry, physics and chemistry. Going to school, during 4 years carried with basket-ball. A final year was given out enough heavy, because it was necessary to combine studies at school with preparation to entering university, but not looking on it I had the highest progress among senior pupils. By that time I was not yet determined with my future profession, and on it deeply prepared at once on two objects: higher mathematics and chemistry.


Time to choose the way in life came after completion of school - it future profession. My choice was stopped for DONNTU. In the period of teaching in an university, in the flow of 4 years engaged in the sporting swimming. On the first course took the second place in to the city olympiad on chemistry - recipient of an award a deed.