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Ruslan Zaitsev

Ruslan Zaitsev

Physical-metallurgical Faculty

Department of Heat-Power Engineering

Speciality: Thermal power plants

Theme of master's work:

Investigation of methods to increase productivity and efficiency of the turbine of 300 MW by modifying the configuration of blades of the flow part

Scientific adviser: doctor of engineering sciences, professor Sergiy Safyants

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Average for the period of training at a specialist at the University - 4,85.

Fluent in Russian, almost free - Ukrainian and continue to learn - English.

I have experience in electric utilities: the exploitation of thermal power equipment, commercial profit maximization in electricity supply, the analysis of TICs of TPP and management in production and administration.

Hobbies - music, sports and life values.

Short biography:


Born on October 3, 1976 in Kurakhovo Donetsk region.

Up to 6 years attend pre-school town with the name of "Buratino".

As a child, all the vivid impression: the game with raznovozrostnymi individuals, eating delicacies, studies cycling, fishing, leaving the life of loved ones ...

Special talents (telekinesis, levitation, etc.) for a not notice.


I went to school at age six. The first class graduated in the eight-year school of kh.Maly Mechetnoi Semikarakorsk district of the Rostov region, the remaining nine classes - in the SSH ¹1 Kurakhovo. Class teacher in middle school was Parintseva Nina Kirillovna - a teacher of physical culture.

In an exciting form were the lessons of history. Interestingly it was also on the lessons of chemistry, physics, geography and mathematics.

In the years of schools got musical education in Kurakhovskoy school of musical art on the class "Accordion".

Study in DonNTU

In 1993, having passed the entrance exam entered the Donetsk State Technical University on specialty "Thermal Power Plants". While studying at first year undergraduates remember teaching in higher mathematics (Shevchenko L.M.) and chemistry (Associate Professor, Ph.D. Mikheeva M.P.) - lectures and workshops were in substance and in interesting form.

During the summer holidays working on Kurakhovskaya and Luhansk TPP locksmith equipment repair filtration plant, pump and turbine hardware.

Admission in 1994 the military department was already on a competitive basis, and as a result - in 1998, received a military ID and the title of lieutenant in the reserve.

Latest courses at the department "Heat-Power Engineering", pre-diploma in Luhansk TPP (machinist-trackman of boiler equipment) and protection to sustain the thesis at the University of knowledge. The immediate practical application of gained knowledge obtained from the subjects: "Technical thermodynamics" (Prof., Dr. Ivanov A.I., major lecturer. Konstantinov G.E.), "Boiler installation" (Associate Professor, Ph.D Ilyushchenko V.I.), "Teplomassobmen"(Prof., Dr. Markin A.D.), "Physico-chemical methods of preparation of water (major lecturer. Yakovleva V.A.), "Operation of TPP" (Associate Professor, Ph.D Popov A.L.), "Heating system TPP" (Associate Professor, Ph.D. Sakhno A.E.).

Repeatedly ready to repeat again and again to all teachers of the University have invested in my time and knowledge: "Thanks!"


In 1998, at the end of Donetsk National Technical University, returned to Luhansk TPP as a machinist-trackman boiler equipment. While working at Lugansk TPP worked in operating thermal power equipment (power driver) and the technical production department, TPP (Deputy Chief TPD).

In 2006 I moved to the administrative apparatus of the generating company Vostokenergo and as of June 2010 worked as the head of electricity sales.

After obtaining the first higher education in DonNTU constantly improve their level of knowledge and skills: MIM Kiev, KPI, Academy DTEK.

The highest tariff, a volume of vacation of electric power and, as a result, profit LLC Vostokenergo from all generating companies TPP is a direct achievement of my work in the company.

Motivated by revenue in 2009, Masters was the need to update the previously received and the acquisition of qualitatively new knowledge such as: "The theory and practice of research", "Theory and practice of energy management", "Mathematical Modeling of the intensification of heat exchange processes", "Internet technology".

Plans for the near future (in terms of education) - writing thesis and its defense.

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