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Chervonyi Danil

Chervonyi Danil

Faculty: Radio and special training

Speciality: Technical protection of the information

Theme of master's work:

The development of processing methods unsynchronized measurement data in secure automated measurement information complexes

Scientific adviser: Paslyon Vladimir

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Average mark in the period of study at the university — 4.38. Fluent in the Russian, Ukrainian languages. With sufficient know English. I have the skills to work with a personal computer (Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, etc.), working with programming languages Borland C + +, Turbo Pascal.

Short biography:


I was born on September 2, 1987 in my hometown Donetsk. My parents, Chervonyi Igor and Chyrvonaya Lilia – kind, sympathetic people who have become mainstay and support in my life.

In 1,5 years my parents sent me to the kindergarten, which was not far from home, under the cheerful title "Thumbelina". In this period I have linked only pleasant memories. In 4 years parents took me to the courses of English that gave me the groundwork for further advancement of knowledge in a foreign language.

I grew curious and sociable child. I liked to learn something new. So I asked so many questions, what delivered difficulties my parents and teachers in the kindergarten. My curiosity made even a simple trip a real adventure.


In 1994 I entered in school number 52, where I started to develop my talents. I visited the section of judo and football, basketball and pole vault, but also reinforced my growing organism on the uneven bars near the school. In high school, showed childish activity, participating in virtually all events in which one could participate. Annual olympiads and competitions made my youth very interesting. At the end of my 9 class my school was renamed to the Lyceum, and in 2002 I'm officially entered another educational institution – Lyceum "Mercury".

By the end of my study, I just could not imagine what would be my choice of future education, but the study of physics and mathematics in high school persuaded me in the direction of technical sciences. I entered in four universities and all went on the budget. In the Donetsk National Technical University I chose a new and promising profession and I think that was right, because information security is a very demand of modern information activities. In the summer of 2004 I successful passed my exams at the Lyceum and honestly deserved the gold medal going to the exam at the Donetsk National Technical University, which I hand over without any obstacles. In autumn 2002 I enrolled in a driving school, where the summer of 2004 received a driving license category "B". It remains for small: to buy a car.

All subjects in school were given to me quite easily, special thanks I would like to express my English teacher — Viktor Mikhailovich - because he was able to arouse interest in such a difficult discipline, which has been preserved until now. Thanks to him I actively acknowledge a foreign language, subscribed to the magazine «Digest» and now look at BBC World.


So, in 2004, I entered the DonNTU. Then began a cheerful and interesting student life. I got new friends among my classmates. Together we have come a long way from stupid freshmen ready to experts of information security. Studying at the University with the first course seemed to me not very complicated, involuntarily recall the adage "not as terrible as it may draw." Group was friendly, all help each other, were not allowed to fall behind, so all of the photos, only two have not reached a bachelor's degree. In 2008 I received a bachelor's degree. For a more complete education decided to finish the master's degree, because the western model of education contain bachelor's degree and master's degrees.

Theme of my master's thesis "The development of processing methods unsynchronized measurement data in secure automated measurement information complexes". Development helps me deal with my supervisor Paslyon Vladimir. This theme is very topical at present.

Future Plans

The basic plan for the near future, of course, is to write a master's thesis and its successful defense of «excellent». One of the major plans for the future — to see the world, to visit each of the continents. I especially want to get to Australia, where year-round hot summer, a refreshing ocean side and a wide variety of amazing flora and fauna. And also, importantly, to create a strong and large family, consisting of at least 4 people. And also find themselves in and benefit from it not only material wealth, but also moral satisfaction. And for this to start the necessary work on the experience, preferably in any state structure, and then, realizing all the subtlety and charm of his work, open and your business. I see myself involved in any creative work, which requires not only knowledge, skills and logic, but also some innovative approaches.

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