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Ryabchenko Ekaterina

Ryabchenko Ekaterina

Faculty: Radio Engineering and specialized training

Speciality: Technical Information Security Restricted and automation of its processing

Theme of master's work:

Methods for improving the reliability of information security systems, monitoring and protection

Scientific adviser: Ph.D., associate professor Paslyen Vladimir Vladimirovich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Grade Point Average for the period of training - 4,0

Fluent Russian and Ukrainian language, have experience with Microsoft Office: Excel, PowerPoint, Word. I am sociable, easy to find a common language with people, like to play sports.

Short biography:


I was born on June 28, 1988 in a small village Manuilova Shahtersk region of Donetsk region. My parents, kind, sociable and sympathetic people. My father, Ryabchenko Yuri, worked and works as a driver, Mom, Natalia Ryabchenko, previously worked as head of the storehouse on the farm, but now she is housewife. Despite the difficulties in their lives, did everything to ensure I'm happy and carefree childhood, for which I am very grateful. I was moving and restless child. At one point she could not sit still for a long time: I liked the outdoor games, so I always had bruises and scratches. In kindergarten I did not go and my upbringing was a grandmother. So I had a whole day free, but I was not bored. We have close to the house flows a river, now it is not big and small, but before it was deep enough, and I'm with the other children could get lost in it all day. There are no special hobbies as a child was not, did what they wanted and when she wanted, and because of that received from parents. In my memory, there are many events and moments, but the most memorable event of my childhood was the appearance in the light of my younger sister Rjabchenko Valentina Yurievna. It happened May 4, 1994, when I was 6 years old.


His first step to knowledge I did on Sept. 1, 1995. It is not strange, but I do not really remember my first class, nothing interesting, perhaps, was not there. My upbringing was my mother, and, thanks to her patience, love and care, I overcame all difficulties. In the senior classes of particular interest to me, caused three things - this is algebra, German and physical education. I think that this interest was caused by teachers who were the objects. German attracted me knowledge about the culture of another country, its history, as well as an unusual pronunciation. Took part in all sorts of competitions and tournaments. Loved volleyball and table tennis, but more volleyball. We have been in the school's volleyball team, and at the district competition, we took the first place. I had a small but very funny class. I like to be part of this class, which took an active part in the creative side, and sport in our schools. Thanks to our zeal to win, we have received many awards and honors certificate.


With a choice of university had no problems. I decided long ago that I would do in the Donetsk National Technical University. But with the choice of future specialty had problems. I wanted to choose a profession is not so much on the interests and hobbies, how much on the future employment prospects and its relevance. One of our friend advised us to turn our attention to the new faculty with a specialty that was little known. So I got to the Faculty of Radio Engineering and Information Security. In the first year did not have time to participate in creative activities, all the attention focused in class because I had a hard time after the village school to adapt to the load at the university and to the rhythm of urban life. But since high school, I was not accustomed to surrender to the achievement of its goals, the more that I had a great moral support in the face of my parents and younger sister. The first course even though he was difficult, but it was full of new acquaintances and impressions. In my second year I realized that the university life - is really the best time. My life is filled with new friends, interesting lectures and workshops, as well as communication with odnogrupnikami and teachers.

One of the reasons that I chose this theme thesis became my supervisor - Ph.D., associate professor Solanum Vladimir Vladimirovich. Through his teaching talent and the method of presentation is interested in this topic more than others. Well, of course, the relevance of the topic. Since nowadays all companies and businesses use video surveillance as a means of protection.

Plans for the future

In the near future plan to finish the Donetsk National Technical University and obtained a master's degree. Find a promising job. I freely admit that the occupation of the scientific activity does not attract me. In the future I want to stand firmly on their feet and be secured by man, that would be able to provide not only themselves and but also help their parents. I hope that my zeal to win will help me in this.

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