Master of DonNTU

Inna Kucherenko

Educational and Scientific Institute “Higher School of Economics and Management” (IEM)

Faculty: Management (FM)

Department: Personnel Management and Labour Economics (PMLE)

Speciality: “Personnel Management and Labour Economics” (PMLE)

Theme of Master's Work:

“Motivation of Personnel on the Enterprises of Agrarian Sector”

Scientific Supervisor: Ph.D. (in Economics), Associate Professor of the PMLE department Natalia Mormul


Date of birth: November, 26, 1988

Average mark in bachelor's degree: 4.46

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English (reading, writing)


  • knowledge of technologies of personnel search and personnel selection
  • drawing pictures of the working day
  • HR documentation
  • Web-programming: HTML
  • Work with OS: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2007
  • Office tools: MS Office 98/2000/2003/2007

Managerial capacity: sense of duty, quickly trained, responsibility, initiative, ability to work in a command, aiming at result

Personal qualities: punctuality, skill to communicate, ability to adapt, mobility, tactfulness, goodwill, purposefulness

Hobbies: reading of books, bicycle tourism



I was born on November, 26th, 1988 in Avdeevka city of Donetsk area. I became the second gift for the parents, my native and most favourite brother Stanislav Shokot has appeared the first on light. We had a big family. My parents, Jury Shokot and Lyudmila Shokot, have chosen a life in the big house together with mine the grandmother and the grandfather, and also with my aunt and her family. As I was the smallest in a family, I was the favourite and I was surrounded always with love and care. So have passed first three years of my life.

In 1991 the family has moved to separate habitation. The same year I have gone to a kindergarten. I was very active child. The brightest memoirs since then, it as we with mum practically did every evening tasks which were set by tutors. We constantly cut out something, drew, glued.


In June, 1995 me have taken away on interview in school where me did not wish to take as I was not as early as 7 years old. To me long talked, gave different tasks for logic, and also have asked to draw the hero of a cartoon film on my discretion. I with all have successfully consulted and on September, 1st have gone to 1 class of school #6. With me in one class there were almost all friends from a kindergarten, therefore the class from the very beginning was very amicable. In parallel with the beginning of a school life parents have given me on dances where I successfully was occupied to 9 classes.

Study was given to me easily, but, naturally, I put to it efforts. I, regularly, to 9 classes participated in school amateur performance. Favourite subjects for me were mathematics and history, probably because they were given to me easier others.

In the beginning 11 classes I have started to choose the future trade actively. I was not involved the with the most widespread at that point in time specialities of the economist, the lawyer, the bookkeeper. But it would be desirable to work in economic area. Therefore the choice has fallen on a speciality “Personnel Management and Labour Economics”. I liked a considerable quantity of directions in which it is possible to work, having received the diploma in this speciality, and also that the speciality is rather new direction of training.


The high school choice was absolutely casual. The main criterion was, that the institution was state. The Donetsk National Technical University was the first high school where we have gone with mum for acquaintance. In a consequence I also have chosen it. From October till May I went on preliminary courses in DonNTU. I can tell that courses much to me a distance. I began to understand is even better the mathematician. In July, 2005 I have handed over entrance examinations and became student DonNTU. Even in the summer after receipt there was 2 weeks of practice, it and was the first acquaintance to the case in which I should study the next 5 years. For years of training at university many memoirs on study have collected. The higher mathematics, management, marketing were favourite subjects for me.

In 2009 I have received the bachelor's degree on a speciality “Personnel Management and Labour Economics”. Has the same year arrived in a magistracy of the given speciality. Receipt on the magistracy budget became an important point for me. To me it was very pleasant that I have passed. After all I had absolutely other plans connected with other university which I already have started to carry out. But it has turned out so that I remained in DonNTU. I absolutely am not sorry about it.

Theme of mine master's work is “Motivation of the personnel at the enterprises of agrarian sector”. The theme “Motivation of the personnel” was present practically at each term paper, therefore I have chosen it and for master's works, it is for me the most studied. In my opinion, given the cinciput is very actual for today. After all any control system cannot successfully function, if does not include effective system on work with the personnel, inducing each concrete worker to productive work and is qualitative for achievement of particularly object in view.

Years of training in university for me, it, first of all, time of formation me as persons. Dialogue with classmates, with teachers, personal experiences is that has affected life priorities, plans for the future which I have now.

Plans for the Future

At the given stage of the life I accurately understand, that I want from a life. I have defined for myself priorities, have proved the purposes in a life that I wish to achieve in the near future and whom to become in many years. I know that it is necessary to do for their achievement, and small steps I move ahead to dream...

I understand that not always it turns out, as plan, and it turns out absolutely in another way is more often, but I consider what to try to make the plan of the future costs to everyone.