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Nikolaiko Olga

Nikolaiko Olga

Economics Faculty
Speciality: Management of innovative activity

Theme of master's work:

Recommendations on improvement of a complex of marketing at the innovative enterprise

Scientific adviser: Meshkov Andrey

About author

Recommendations on improvement of a complex of marketing at the innovative enterprise

Introduction (Motivation)

Development of marketing relations in Ukraine not only intensifies competition between national enterprises for stimulating intensive grouts of manufacturing but also calls for improvements of national economy including the system of market means? The most important of which is marketing activity. The importance of the topic. Nowadays development of marketing relations gives enterprises new opportunities to introduce innovative activity to satisfy customer’s demands. The characteristic feature of national economy is a break in the innovative cycle when there is a disagreement among marketing researches and commercialization of the innovations. This impedes the formation of innovative models of enterprise management and leads to the necessity to correct their activity or to form certain methods of management which allow to for see future innovative changes[1]. Many theorists and practitioners study development of marketing theory. Some aspects of innovative marketing are researched in the works of foreign and national scientists. Here are some of them: R. Cuper, G. Shmalen, P. Metklaf, P. Saviotti, M. Sherrington, A.M. Alimova, N.P. Goncharova, V.Y. Kardan, P.G. Perervi, A.B. Tytova, N.I. Chukhrai and other. They have worked out some methodological approaches and means of marketing innovations to solve the problems of market analysis for new products to form and stimulate the demand, introduction of innovations to the market etc. Theoretical problems of interdependency of market economy and innovations are researched by such scientists as A.I. Anchishkin, L.L. Antonyuk, S. Borras, I.M. Budnikevitch, S.V. Valdaytsev, C.Y. Glaziev, G.A. Krayukhin, B. Santo, B. Twiss, N.A. Frolova, I.M. Shkola, Y. Shumpeter, M. Hutchek[2]. Analyzing the woks of the authors mentioned above, we can say that nowadays a theoretical and methodological base of enterprise activity system of marketing management is not worked out enough. It can be connected with a certain subjective definitions of an innovation notion, contents of innovative activity as an object of enterprising, formation of organizing means of management innovations at enterprises, a solution of scientific and applied tasks in formation of their marketing policy.According to the investigation results the active search for new means of marketing in an innovative sphere takes place in Ukraine. The reason of it is that many models and means worked out by foreign specialists and borrowed by our national economy are impossible to use without certain improvements to adjust to economic conditions of Ukraine. Those means and models were worked out to be used at a developed market based on a trade paradigm of massive production which can’t be used in the prose’s when the formation of flexible system of “innovative conveyor” takes place. This became a dominant direction of the development in a sphere of modern innovative production[3].

The aim and the tasks of the research.

The aim of this master’s graduation paper is to work out methods, models and methodological recommendations to improve marketing complex at an innovative enterprise. To achieve the aim the following main tasks were put and performed: • The peculiarities of managing innovative enterprise under market conditions of economy were researched. The necessity to use market principles were grounded. • The reasons of insufficient effectiveness in marketing activity at innovative enterprises were defined and analyzed. • The, main point was revealed and the conceptual interpretation of such basic notions as “innovative potential”, “innovative marketing”, “marketing innovations” were shown. • A model of marketing provision of innovative process and trends of its application in a practical activity of enterprises were worked out. • A concept of marketing innovative project of a certain enterprise to come to a national market was formulated[4].

The object of the research

The object of the research is an improvement process of a marketing activity at innovative enterprises under modern conditions of economy[5].

The subject of the research

The subject of the research is a complex of theoretical, methodological and practical problems of marketing provision of innovative process at national enterprises.

Methods of the research

Are the following • Comparative economic analysis (to estimate the level of the innovation potential of the enterprises) • Factual analysis (to analyses the reasons of failure and success of the innovations of the observed enterprises). • Methods of expert estimations (to estimate the innovation suitableness). • Selective method (to calculate experts of marketing investigations). • Systematic analysis[6]. Empirical and factual basis was made by the works of national and foreign authors devoted to the problems of innovative activity and marketing, normative and legislative acts of state government bodies, materials from Ukrainian Ministry of statistics, information about industrial enterprises activity, foreign and national periodicals, results of marketing researches and sociological polls.

Practical value of the results

Is that their application in the process of strategic marketing helps to increase the effectiveness of marketing and innovative activity under present conditions. Practical value is also defined by given recommendations as for the use of some means and methods of strategic marketing especially innovative activity in the process of development of national industrial enterprises. Methods of marketing analysis of innovative activity to ground management decisions as for mastering of methods of production to produce competitive goods were worked out[7]. Production of new goods or mastering of new markets are the consequences of enterprises policy to meet customers demands. Marketing activity at the innovation market is based on the use of new ideas to improve goods, services technologies to satisfy clients demands and to leave competitors behind. Management of marketing in an innovative sphere can be realized with help of five different approaches: • Concept of production development • Concept of innovative production development • Concept of a certain marketing at the market • Concept of intensification of influence on sale • Concept of social marketing[8] Strategic marketing can be considered as a dynamic complex of interconnected processes of management with strong reverse connections and influence on each process and other processes or on the complex of processes[9]. Management of innovation activity must be directed at the solution of the problems as for effective influence on the development of a certain enterprise potential, structure of needs at the makes of innovative production and on the formation of innovative activity as for production of innovative goods to satisfy the demands of the customers to reach the goal of an innovative activity[10]. Marketing strategic management must be based on a concept which unites different approaches in an innovative activity and marketing management, principles of strategic planning and management see figure 1.

Модель засад

Figure 1. Model of principles of marketing. Strategic management of innovative activity (Анимация: 17 кадров, 20 Кб, разрешение 600х234, задержка 0,2 сек.)

Marketing of innovations at the enterprises should be taken as a complex use of principles and methods of marketing with the aim to create necessary conditions to find effective changes, their implementation, development and commercialization. So the marketing of innovations should be considered as one of the integral, means to realize the potential and reach innovation effectiveness, oriented to other and inner needs which create a high level of availability of innovations for customers. Thus an effective strategic management at an enterprise will give an opportunity to get high results and reach a constant innovative development[11].


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