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Schepkina Tatiana

Schepkina Tatiana

Faculty management

Speciality: “Quality, standardization and certification”

Theme of master's work:

The Development of the TPM System at a Chemical Enterprise in the Conditions of Marketing Formation in Ukraine

Scientific adviser: prof. Momot Alexander


        Middle mark in the period of studies in university on the degree of "bachelor" was 4,5. Freely speak Russian and Ukrainian languages, English and German – with dictionary. I have experience with Microsoft Office.

Short biography:


        I, Schepkina Tatyana Vyacheslavovna, was born on August, 7, 1988 in Donetsk. My father Vyacheslav Vladimirovich works as an electrician at Gorky coal mine. My mother Lyudmila Ivonovna, is a housewife.
        When I was 4 years old, I was taken to a kindergarten called “Rainbow”. At first I missed my mother very much, but later I had a lot of new friends there. I remember best our walks on fresh air, morning performances, which were very exciting. I was a calm and quiet child.


        In 1995 I went to school ¹69 in Donetsk. I remember, in primary school I liked my first teacher Olga Genrichovna. We learned a lot of interesting and useful things from her. I was a good pupil, but most of all I disliked physical training, the only subject I had a good mark on, the rest were excellent. In the third form I was fond of drawing. Many of my drawings were presented in school exhibitions. From 5th to 7th forms Raisa Aleksandrovna was our class curator. She was a teacher of mathematics. She was a strict teacher, but the knowledge of mathematics I got from her became of great use for me later. After the 7th form I decided to transfer to Donetsk Technical Lyceum. I took a math test and got a pass mark to enter there. In lyceum I was lucky to have good classmates, as well as a good class curator. Irina Nikolayevna turned out to be our second mum. She was practically bringing us up. She was a very delicate, caring and sincere person. During my studying in Lyceum I took part in math contest called “Kangaroo”.


        The choice of the university wasn’t difficult for me, since the lyceum is a branch Donetsk National Technical University. I entered the physical and metallurgical faculty, of the university, though studying there turned out to be very difficult for me. In 2009 I got a bachelor’s degree, but I decided to get a second higher education to be a demanded specialist. Having a bachelor’s degree, I had possibility to pass the entrance exams for the speciality – Quality, standardization and certification (QSÑ). I passed the test successfully and entered the magistrates.
        The theme of my research is “The Development of the TPM System at a Chemical Enterprise in the Conditions of Marketing Formation in Ukraine”. My scientific curator is Momot Aleksander Ivanovich.
        I can not say that all the subjects at the university are given easy, but there are some very interesting and exciting.

Plans for Future.

        In the nearest future I plan to defend my master’s research work successfully and find job corresponding to my profession. My goal is to get practical skills and work experience.
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