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  DonNTU master Liliya V. Levchenko  

Anna S. Sedykh

Faculty of Economics



The name of master's work: "Substantiation of introduction of innovations in a logistical control system of the enterpriseR"

Scientific director: Irina A. Bondareva

Master's thesis

Relevance of the topic.  Significant changes have occurred in recent years in the sphere of commodity circulation and the provision of services in several countries. New methods and technologies for delivering goods have been used in business practices are based on the concept of logistics.

Interest in the problems of logistics development in industrialized countries due primarily to economic reasons. At a time when output and expansion growth in intraeconomic ties have increased the scope of treatment costs, the attention of entrepreneurs focused on finding new forms of optimization market activities and reduce costs in this area. This trend is inherent and a highly profitable industry as a tourist business.

Already in the nineties of the last century, tourism became the most dynamic sector of world economy, and since the beginning of this century, tourism affects the economy of entire countries and regions. The tourism industry is very efficient and highly profitable industry, which accounts for about 11% of world gross domestic product. Tourism has every ten jobs, it accounts for about 10% of capital investment. Production growth in the tourism industry is transferred to other sectors of the economy, where investment activity is unfolding, and creating new jobs, increasing trade turnover and, consequently, increases profits. Some of the obtained state revenue comes in the form of taxes. Thus collected funds can be directed at further financing of infrastructure of the tourism industry, providing material assistance to socially vulnerable groups, to develop a system of training personnel for the sphere of tourism services. The integration of our country in the world economic system, quite free market access for foreign competitors, leading domestic manufacturers of the need to win their place on the world market, which requires not only a variety of knowledge and professionalism in the tourism activities, but also the ability to use the new progressive methods of processing and receiving - transfer of information and material flows. As a consequence, there is a need to address a number of management problems that are associated with a comprehensive assessment, improvement and development competitiveness of local structures by active formation of the tourist market.
One important factor in enhancing the competitiveness of modern travel companies is the implementation of the logistics management system to meet modern standards of business - structures. For the features of the development of the tourist market is currently required to find the optimal level of compliance with streams, enhancing efficiency throughout the logistics system of the company by optimizing its structure, organizational and economic mechanism, optimizing the cost to fully meet market needs.

And as the world experience in the field of tourism, development and use of the recommendations of logistics is one of the factors of leadership in the competitive struggle for markets and tourism product.

Considering the materials management as a basic process in the organization of tourism, it is believed that the continuous improvement of management will be an innovative logistics, which is most relevant component of logistics, which investigated the opportunities and mechanisms for real innovation in the organization of current and strategic management stream processes by optimizing them .

Today in Ukraine, many companies expect to increase the efficiency funktsinuvannya through the identification and use of reserves through logistics systems. Studies show that customers are logistics service companies can reduce the total cost of 6 - 10% and simultaneously improve the quality of customer service.
The process of implementation logistics management not inconsistent with domestic economic policy travel company, but merely complements them, bringing the company to the highest level for improved financial affairs and the microclimate in the team. The result of transformation of the management process in the logistics should be improved manageability, mobility, resource potential of the tourism company, streamlining and rationalization of all economic flows. Logistics management concept developed such types of security as marketing, organizational, legal, which remain completely independent because of the specific functioning of tourist companies.

The tourism industry today is the only complex, which includes a number of industries, complementing each other, provide a specified rate of growth of tourism and support services. Each of these different specific technological process, organization, management, products (services), etc. Interaction streaming process between the components are still not allowed for the efficient management of reserves, untapped in economic exchange. In connection with the above, there is a need to find the most modern methods of management of streaming processes and their applications, which differ from previously used, which is of great practical importance and determines the relevance of the topic.

The purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of this study is to develop theoretical concepts and develop practical recommendations for the use of innovations for the development of logistics management system of tourist business. In order to study should address the following tasks:

- Determine the nature and socio - economic significance of tourism market;

- Identify the place and role of logistics in the tourism business;

- Examine trends and perspectives of development of tourist industry in the city of Donetsk in Ukraine;

- Justify the introduction of innovations in the governance structure tourism services;

- Propose measures to improve the organizational structure of management;

- To develop a rational model of management to provide travel services;

- Evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed measures.

The object of study - logistics management processes of the operating activities of travel agencies.

Subject of research - the methods of organizing and planning processes to provide services with the use of innovations in logistics management system by travel companies.
Methodological and theoretical foundations of work. During the work on the methodological approaches used by the general scientific and technical nature that have been selected in accordance with the specific object of study pursued by the goals and objectives. During the work we used the following methods: a generalization, induction, deduction, the method assumptions and analogies, methods of analysis, synthesis, method of observation and comparison, and others. Theoretical basis for the study was the fundamental tenets of the theory of the world economy, the theory of competition, competitive advantages and integration, the economic theory of management and logistics. However, these studies provided the basis for works of local and foreign experts in the field of economics, marketing and management, tourism and logistics, such as Ananiev, MA, Anikin BA, Afanassenko ID, Volkova LA, Gulyaev V., Defer, P., Kalashnikov SA, Quarterly VA, Novikov, DT, socks CO Papiryan GA, Paige C, Porter AM, Protsenko OD , Rozanova, TP, Sergeev VI, Sosunova LA, Strogoff NP, Harris, R., Shcherbakov VV and others. They are the authors address the many scientific challenges that are reflected in the theoretical studies of the management and development of a mechanism to provide services.

The scientific value of research. Scientific novelty of the study is to:

- Clarify the object of logistic management in tourism;

- Developing a model organizational structure upravlincheskoy tourist enterprise with innovation in logistics;

- The problems of development of tourist services market;

- The prospects of development of tourist business;

- The theoretical rationale for the use of innovation in the logistics management system of tourist companies;

- Develop guidelines for the formation of a model of organizational and management structure of enterprises.
The practical significance of results obtained in the process of research materials, proposals and methods have been developed to improve the activities of tourist companies in the new economic conditions contribute to the formation of the domestic market and the competitiveness of tourism product. The proposed organizational and management model can be used in travel agencies, to improve the use of streaming processes through the efficient management of material, financial and information flows. The provisions contained in the work, the main findings of analytical studies and the results can be used by travel companies to improve their activities.

Testing Results of work will include training and participation in academic conferences, publication of key research findings in professional journals.

The first section of master's thesis "Theoretical foundations of the study logistics systems" is devoted to study the nature and characteristics of logistics systems in the tourism business. In connection with what was considered the historical development and the formation of logistics as a science, methodology, analysis of logistics systems. The place and role of logistics management systems in the tourism sector, the need for the introduction and use of logistics in the tourism industry, analyzed the need for innovation in the logistics system. The control system in the travel agency on the basis of logistic approach - a system that is based on an integrated approach that will create the real possibility of combining the functional areas of logistics through the coordination of actions performed by independent links of the logistics systems that share a common responsibility in the objective function reserve management efficiency of travel agencies .

The practical experience of foreign countries in tourism development. We study the theoretical foundations of logistics, allowed to generalize the theoretical and conceptual apparatus of organizing an effective system of logistics of travel agencies and their modern concept of an integrated logistizatsii, representing a section of innovative logistics.
In the second section, "Studies of the prerequisites of innovation in logistics in the field of tourism" in order to analyze the state of Ukrainian tourism market trends and identified factors influencing the market of tourist services.

Identified obstacles to the development of tourism factors, such as:

- The deficit of positive information about the country;

- Lack of advertising of Ukraine in foreign markets;

- Undeveloped tourist infrastructure;

- Low level of service;

- Insufficient legal framework;

- Lack of qualified personnel, etc.

The problems identified in the Donets travel companies and identified reserves management to tourism in the city of Donetsk, and formed an information security market.

Determined that the development of the logistics system must take into account the following elements and factors: the number and placement offices of tourism firms, communications, information communications, transport model to tourism should be viewed as a great independent cross-sectoral economic complex of the national economy, as the area of tourism, 'combining different branches lies not in the usual vertical plane, and covers the entire horizontal space, including companies of different industry sector.

Based on the findings of the second section, section three master's thesis "The introduction and use of innovations in logistics management system" proposed by the forms and methods logistizatsii tourist market with innovative services. A model of the management structure of the company to improve the use of streaming processes, through judicious management of material, financial and information flows.

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©DonNTU, Anna S.Sedykh