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Master of DonNTU Biesiedina Natalia

Biesiedina Natalia

Donetsk National Technical University

Speciality: Drilling

Theme of master's work:

The Directed drilling from underground mining excavation

Scientific adviser: Jushkov Ivan

Materials on the theme of master's work: About author



    The deviation of the hole from vertical and horizontal in directional drilling (the change of zenith angle and azimuth of the drill) is done by deflecting devices. You can drill as with the surface and from the mining pits as well. The direction of the well depends on the mineral deposits (vertical, horizontal, slant). [2]


    Global demand for coal as a cheap, reliable energy source, led to an increase in production in many mines. The mines with danger of gas and dust are specific for our region. This is one of the major problems nowadays. To combat the methane in coal mines special preventive measures are taken the most effective of which is degassing using directional drilling.

Objectives and goals

     The scientific development is to allon during drilling to watch the curvature direction in well. This will be proved with Positioning System Digitrak Eclipse, which now is the most wide-spread navigate system.

Work Approbation

    The report on “Directional drilling” on the X all - Ukrainian student conference “Drilling”, 23 of Apil, 2010, Donetsk.

Research and development review

    Large number of different deflection devices have been developed, with significant differences in their fundamental kinematic schemes, appointments and applications. The Orientator sensitive element can serve the liquid level, plumb line, a ball, the pendulum and a potentiometer, etc. Inclinometers are used as Orientator especially in deep drilling. The inclinometer is put down in drill string the bottom of which is equipped with the diamagnetic pipe with directed funnel, magnetic poles and the whip stock. The position of the deflection is fixed in the hole on the meridian or point (datum mark) coordinated are know in advance. The control of the subsurface devices is remote around the snitch cable. [6, 5]
Fig1. Whip stock orientation using an electromagnetic compass inclinometer : 1 - Deflection, 2 – Lock 3 - inclinometer 4 - centering springs, 5 - permanent magnets; 6 - directed funnel; 7 - diamagnetic pipe, 8 - column of drill pipes; 9 - sub with rotating sleeve, 10 – snitch roller, 11 - cable.

    Complex "KEDR" is a improvement of whip stock (type TZ), made for the artificial distortion of exploration wells. The design of deflector is complex, and consists of the adjustable deflector, orientator and the monitoring unit of curvature that allows you to: customize Deflection for the given intensity in the range of 0,2 - 1,5 degrees / m before running it in the hole; to perform multiple self orientat on in the hole at the given angle for a cycle of distortions in the zenith angles of 3 - 60 °; to monitor the actual orientation (compared with given) after the loop bending and lifting the whip stock from the well; to select core by shorten core barrel in the distortion cycle.
Fig2. Complex "KEDR"

    The deflector of hole complexes contains lower bearing unit 1, unit bias, 2 rotor shaft 3 and node installation 5.Replaceable curved tubes are used in the unit bias, providing a different slope of rock cutting tool to the hole axis and its curvature with adjustable intensity by means of the asymmetric destruction of the face.
     The stabilizing device is made in the form of the spacer wedge mechanism 4, which has a sliding block slider located between the upper and lower half slips and interacting with them through the G - shaped grooves.
    The Orienting device is designed as a screw mechanism with freely adjustable in ball the apsidal plane and, has a unit orientation 9, node assembly 10, the upper bearing assembly 11, upper shaft 12 and the assembly of stator springs 13. [1, 4]


     Nowadays, one of the main problems in directional drilling is the impossibility to control the drilling process during bending of the well.
    The scientific development is to allon during drilling to watch the curvature direction in well. This will be proved with Positioning System Digitrak Eclipse, which now is the most wide-spread navigate system .
    Positioning systems are used in horizontal directional drilling (pipelines, trenching tunnels, etc.), and in oil drilling, but the dimensions are too large.
    The frequency defined by Eclipse is optimal for drilling and completely eliminates interference. The unique configuration of the antenna receiver allows the device to determine the location of points positioning and radiator. The radiator provides three-dimensional remote control left-right and up and down. [7]
ЗDigi Trak
Fig3. Digi Trak

    The used frequency, kHz installed DCI
    Telemetry Range, 610 m.
    Accuracy abs. error of up to 5%
    Power supply : nickel - cadmium battery Digi Trak
    Battery, 8 - 12 hours
    Depth Indicator in real time
    Operational temperature range from - 20 'C to 60'S
    Height: 31 mm
    Width 18.3 mm
    Weight, kg 3.8


Fig4.Directed drilling

    Yellow - rock cutting tool
    Pink - Digi Trak
    Green - column of drill pipes


     The technology will reduce labor expended on drilling wells.

Список использованных источников

    1.Буровой портал/Классификация методов и технических средств – [электронный ресурс], – [режим доступа], – http://www.drillings.ru/klassiphikaciyametodov
    2. Юшков А.С. Кернометрия. – М.: Недра, 1989. – 224с.
    3. Завод Уралгеофизприбор/ИНКЛИНОМЕТР – [электронный ресурс], – [режим доступа], – http://www.uralgeofizpribor.ru/9214628160
    4. Шитихин В.В. Технические средства для направленного бурения скважин малого диаметра: Учебное пособие. – Ленинград: Недра, 1978. – 112с.
    5. Кодзаев Ю.В., Способы и технические средства ориентирования отклонителей в скважинах: Журнал «Известия ВУЗов»; Раздел «Геология и разведка».- Москва: ВИНИТИ, 1981-208с.
    6. Словари и энциклопедии/Ориентатор – [электронный ресурс], – [режим доступа], – http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enc_geolog/3613/%D0%9E%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80
    7. Digi Trak/Оборудование ГНБ – [электронный ресурс], – [режим доступа], – http://vermeer.su/gnb-catalogue/index.html
    Presently master's degree work is in the stage of development. After December, 2010 the complete text of work can be got for an author or scientific director.

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