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Ivanenko Ivan

Deriagina Daria

Institute of Mining and Geology

Faculty: Mining-and-geological

Speciality: Technics and technology of investigation of deposits of minerals

Theme of master's work:

The methodology improvement of the calculation and construction of the hammering tools for the stuk pipe retrieval from boreholes with the low flush fluid level

Scientific adviser: Karakozov A.A.

Materials on the theme of master's work:
About author

Summary of research and developments

Research objectives and tasks

The research goal is to develop the calculation methods of a hammer tool for dismantling of stiking in the boreholes under low hydrostatic fluid level; also to establish their operation regularity, and to design the practical construction of the mechanism and itsapplication technology.

The idea of work – the application of hydrostatic pressure of drilling fluid in the drill pipe to hit a catch projectiles.

The object of research – technical means to eliminate catching drill.

Subject of research – work processes in shock mechanisms to eliminate catching drill.

Research tasks:

  1. Analysis of the current state of shock mechanisms of stuck drill, realizing the pressure of washing fluid in the well or drill pipe.
  2. Analysis of existing techniques for calculating the impact mechanisms of these types.
  3. Improving the methodology of calculation of the impact mechanism, the development of a simplified engineering methods and to determine its accuracy compared with the base.
  4. Improving the design of the shock mechanism of stuck in wells with low hydrostatic liquid level and technology of its application.

Topicality of the project topic

Stiking of a drilling assembly belongs to one of the most complicated types of breakdown in the field of the prospecting drilling. The practice shows us that its dismantling is quite a laborious process.

The design of a percussion mechanism for dismantling of stiking in the boreholes is a topical project in the prospecting drilling practice in Donbass Region.

Alleged scientific novelty

Alleged scientific novelty lies in the improved calculation methods for a percussion mechanism for dismantling of stiking in the boreholes under low hydrostatic fluid level.

Planned Practical Results

New results:

– The construction of a percussion mechanism (at the level of invention) and its application technology.

Testing of the results

The scientific work was working on high school competition of student research projects (degree Winner). The results were reported at the All–Ukrainian contest of student works in the industry «Oil and Gas Industry» (Ivano-Frankivsk, NUOG). Participated in X of the Republican scientific-technical conference of students «Drilling» (DonNTU 2010). Application for utility model А 2009 13164 from 17.12.2009 (received a positive solution) and the application for the invention U 2009 13557 from 25.12.2009.

Review of the researches and development projects on the topic

The similar devices for the prospecting drilling are developed in Donetsk National Technical University. The given research is considered to be the continuation of the research by Tatyana Alexandrovna Malyk, the applicant for the Master's degree.

Summary of the results made

The principle of the device operation is the following: after the stiking appears in a borehole, the device is lowered to the stiking object on the pipe drills that are connected with a rod and a thread. The device is connected with the stiking drilling assembly by a lower reducing socket with the thread, in which the fishing device may additionally be fastened. The rotation of the pipe drills is transmitted to the device through a rod, spline joints, an upper reducing socket and a body. Then a float collar is dropped through pipe drills. It fits into a seat blocking a flushing hole in a lower reducing socket. Then, pipe drills are filled with the washing fluid by means of a pump in such a way to increase the fluid level to the point higher than in a borehole. So, a float collar prevents the fluid from flowing out of the pipe drill cavity. A ramming piston remains on the key seat under the influence of its own weight and the washing fluid pressure at a ramming piston in the body cavity, which is connected with a borehole by means of orifices.

To make the impact, the tension of pipe drills is established, and a rod is raised to the top upper point. Radial holes in a rod are raised to the level higher than a baffle plate, and then they are connected with the cavity above a ramming piston. The fluid starts to flow into it from the cavity of pipe drills. The pressure here is lower than the pressure under the ramming piston, because the fluid level in pipe drills is much higher, than the fluid level in a borehole. So, a ramming piston goes up and makes the impact to an anvil. That makes the ramming piston cavity fluid to flow into a borehole through orifices.

To make the second impact, pipe drills are moved down. A rod limiter pushes a ramming piston and moves it down to the key seat. Then, the fluid under a ramming piston flows into the pipe drill cavity through orifices. As they level the wall the fluid flows into the pipe drill cavity through a displacement pump valve.

In the operation process the impacts are transmitted to the stiking projectile, and that leads to the projectile release from the stiking.

Рic. 1 – Hammer tool for the stuk pipe retrieval from boreholes with the low flush fluid level
(Resolution 499х239, number of frames 16, the endless repetition)


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At the moment, the master's project is under the further development. The full version of the project will be available after December 2010 at the author or project supervisor.

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