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Glushchuk Pavlo

Glushchuk Pavlo

Institute of Mining and Geology
Speciality: Mine Surveying

Theme of master's work:

The forecast of earth surface subsidence and deformation caused with mine workings of irregular shape

Scientific adviser: doctor of technical science Grischenkov Nikolay

About author

Summary of research and developments

Actuality of theme

The existing forecast procedure of earth surface subsidence and deformation caused with mine workings is based on use of geomechanical model subsidence all rock mass above mine workings of the rectangular form.Complex hypsometry coal layers in Donbass deposits in a combination to folded tectonics of these deposits lead to that the majority of mine workings have the shape which come close to rectangular, but are not those.At performance decreased of the forecast of earth surface subsidence and deformation in the smoothed rectangular form of each mine workings is entered. It simplifies model and influences accuracy of the forecast.All this does creation of the mechanism of the forecast of earth surface subsidence and deformation caused with mine workings of irregular shape an actual and important scientific and technical problem.

Purpose of work

The purpose of this work consists in improvement of a procedure of the forecast of earth surface subsidence and deformation caused with mine workings of irregular shape which assists increase of reliability and accuracy of this forecast.

Research tasks

-analysis of existing methods of the forecast of earth surface subsidence and deformation caused with mine workings

- analysis of software of calculation of earth surface subsidence and deformation

-development of a procedure of the forecast of earth surface subsidence and deformation on the basis of functions of individual influence

-development of technology of gathering of the digital information on mine workings of irregular shape

-development of the program of calculation earth surface subsidence and deformation caused with mine workings of irregular shape

- comparative analysis of results of calculations under the new program with results of the calculations executed on the operating procedure

Idea of work

The idea of work consists in use of functions of individual influence for the integrated assessment of influence of mine workings which has a contour of the any form, on earth surface subsidence and deformation

Communication of work with scientific programs

Work is made according to to a direction of long-term scientific researches by Donetsk National Technical University faculty Mine Surveying has put, as well as in connection with scientific plans of college UkrNiMi НАН of Ukraine.

Basic maintenance of work

In the first part of work the review of existing methods of calculations of earth surface subsidence and deformation is lead at underground minings coal deposits.

The greatest propagation and progress in our country was received with a method of typical curves which is carried out on a normative procedure [1].The greatest propagation and progress in our country was received with a method of typical curves which is carried out on a normative procedure [1]. Dignity of this procedure is that calculations are carried out with use of typical functions of distribution subsidence and deformation established as a result of the analysis of numerous experimental supervision for earth surface subsidence on collieries.

The principle of similarity of distribution is put in a basis of calculation subsidence and deformations in an any point of flexure sags in the main sections and in the sections parallel to the main thing.

A.N.Medjantsevym according to instrumental supervision at 54 special observant stations had been received typical curves of subsidence for conditions of Donbass.Analytical function of distribution sags a following type [2] has been received:

function of distribution of settling

Such function of distribution well approximates data of natural measurements and allows to define size sags in each point laying in the main sections flexure.

Let's consider the any working of the wrong form entered in rectangular working.

Let's make splitting rectangular development into identical rectangles.

Set of rectangles can be presented in the form of a bidimentional file, the quantity of lines and which columns accordingly define lengths of sides of rectangles

Selecting lengths of sides of rectangles it is possible to approximate border of initial mine working with any accuracy

The centers of elementary mine workings which have not got in a contour of initial mine workings [3] are defined. Elementary lavas with such centers (on fig.2 such rectangles are shaded) in calculation of participation do not accept.

Fig.2 The Diagram of splitting of initial mine workings on elementary  
 rectangular mine workings

Fig.2 Diagram of splitting of initial mine workings on elementary rectangular mine workings

Subsidence of a point of a earth surface in flexure sags from initial development pays off under the formula as the sum sags under influence of those elementary developments, in flexure sags which the rated point gets. The method of the least squares is applied to definition of factors

Fig.3 Summation elementary flexure

Fig.3 Summation elementary flexure Animated picture: number of the frame- 6, speed - 50 мс, volume - 95кБ)

On the given procedure the algorithm is developed. The Program is developed in language Visual Basic. After development of the program results are necessary for checking up on other models in which for calculation typical curves are used.


An actual scientific and practical task, consisting in development of methods of calculation of moving and deformations of earthly surface on the area of flexure from making of irregular form, is presented in master's work.

Calculation of earth surface subsidence and deformations caused with mine workings of irregular shape is made on the basis of integration elementary flexure, caused by elementary rectangular mine workings into which initial mine working is broken.

Important note

At a writing of the given author's abstract work is not completed yet. Final completion: December, 2010 the Full text of work and materials on subject matter can be received at the author or at the head after the specified date.


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