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Glushchuk Pavlo

Glushchuk Pavlo

Faculty:mining geological fakulty

Speciality: Mine Surveying

Theme of master's work:

The forecast of earth surface subsidence and deformation caused with mine workings of irregular shape

Scientific adviser: doctor of technical science Grischenkov Nikolay Nikolayevich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Middle mark in the period of studies in an university 4,76. Russian and Ukranian are my native languages. In a volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I Know English. I have an experience with the programs of AutoCAD, Access, Surfer, MathCad, Microsoft Office, study the languages of program Visual Basic.

Short biography:


I was born on October, 7, 1988 in city Khartsysk of the Donetsk area. The father-Glushchuk Nikolay -locksmith. The mother- Glushchuk Ljubov Ivanovna-saleswoman.The brother - Glushchuk Artem - studying at general school ¹3 city Khartsysk.

When I was 4 years I entered kindergarten "Gold key", where I have learned to read and write.


In 1995 went out into the first class general school of I - III of the stages ¹3 city Khartsysk. In times of teaching at school was engaged in many sports sections:swimming, basket-ball. But the longest hobby for handball was most of all remembered. In the senior class of school and on the first courses of university I was engaged in boxing. Special achievements in sports has not reached. With 1998 for 1999 visited mugs of folk dances. With 2002 for 2004 I was engaged at musical school ¹4 city Khartsysk on a class guitar.I always will remember school days, as the most cheerful and carefree time.


After the receipt of diploma about secondary education I became the student of the first course of mining-and-geological faculty, specialities are "Mine Surveying". From this point on the present student's life which absolutely differed from a former life has begun.In times of studying in an institute I has got many new friends.Favourite subject matters were: higher mathematics, geodesy, Mine Surveying, geometry of bowels of the earth. Because I gather to work on speciality, educational practices always were interesting me, which conducted after every course. On them we applied the theoretical knowledge got in practice.On the first course passed practice on a general geodesy on territory university. On the second course is educational practice in surveyor business on a mine the «October mine». On the third course there was an industrial practice,the place of passing of which is necessary it was to be chosen independently. I chosen the enterprise of «MU Donbas» in position by the miner of surveyor service. On a fourth course passed practice on a higher geodesy. Protected all practices on fine.

Finishing 4 of teaching in an university, handing over state examination, I got the diploma of bachelor about base higher education to direction "Mining business" and entered to masters of Donetsk National Technikal University. In the process of studies it was much told us about importance of questions related to the processes of moving of earthly surface from influence of the mine workings. Therefore I chose the theme of master's work:"The forecast of earth surface subsidence and deformation caused with mine workings of irregular shape".

Plans on nearest future

A primary objective on the nearest future is the successful writing of master's work and her defence. After completion of - it to work on speciality.

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