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Gruenko Victoria

Gruenko Victoria

Faculty: Institute of Mining and Geology
Speciality: Safety of labor activity

Theme of master's work:

Research of a condition and development of actions on improvement of airing of mine "Tsentralnaya" for the period of completion of stocks

Scientific adviser: Stukalo Vitaliy

About author

Project on the subject of graduate work

Urgency of the subject

     Nowadays, because of extraction of coal deposits in great depth and under trying geological conditions, the complicated layout of mine workings has been formed. Under this layout, the ventilation objects are not supplied by calculated air consumption. Ventilation of mine influences greatly upon labor safety of workers, as well as it needs high power inputs of the main ventilators. Therefore it is essential to establish the reasons for ventilation worsening in order to elaborate the steps on efficiency increase of mine ventilation, economy of power and reduction of air waste.

Aims and tasks of the work

     Make an analysis of the present ventilation layout of mine workings and air distribution in workings of mine "Tsentralnaya", to study the project of deposits revision, to study the heat conditions, the mine ventilation stability. As well as to work out some steps on ventilation improvement for perspective period, ventilation stability, ventilation problems reduction and reduction of expenses for power, normalization of heat conditions in faces.

Short information about the mine

     The field of mine "Tsentralnaya" is situated in the central part of Krasnoarmeysk geological and industrial region of Donbass. The mine was opened in 1914. From 1959 tо 1964 the mine was under reconstruction. There are five coal seams in the mine. At the moment the seams l1, l7, k7 are being developed.

     Hazard level of the mine : gas — highly hazardous; dust — hazardous; outbursts — non-hazardous; spontaneous firing — non-hazardous. The method of the opencut — by vertical shafts. The system of development — by longwalls over the course with reversal development of longwalls. Maximum depth of the development — 660 m. The scheme of working is panel one. Strata control is caving. The means of transport are drift belt one, railway one. From 2010 to 2013 it is planned to develop seams l1, l7, h10: 1 northern face of southern sloping tunnel seam l7; 2 southern face area seam h10; pillars seam l1.

     According to the data of March 2010 coal extraction was carried out by one working area on the southern panel seam l7. Coal extraction is done by coal cutter-loader 1К101У with shield support 1КД-90. Coal transportation from the face is done by means of drift belt СП-25.

The way of ventilation and types of the main fans in use

     The system of the mine ventilation is sectional one. The scheme of ventilation is central-bynary. The way of ventilation is intaking.The field of the mine is cut open by six vertical shafts № 1, № 1 "bis", № 2, № 2 "bis", № 3 and northern ventilation one.

     The workings of mine "Tsentralnaya" are ventilated by two fan units on the shafts № 1 "bis" и № 2 "bis". The fan unit of the shaft № 1 "bis" is equipped with two similar fans ВЦ-31,5. It ventilates the workings of the southern panel seam l7, the workings of horizon 217 m and brake inclines № 9 and № 10 saem l1. The fan unit of the shaft № 2 "bis" is equipped with two similar fans ВЦО-3,1. It ventilates the workings of the lodge of horizon 622 m, slope № 1 seam k7 and working seam h10. The quantity of the air coming into the mine for ventilating — 9030 m3/min.

Estimation of the ventilation quality. Difficulties of ventilation.

     150,5 m3/s of air comes into the mine from the workings for ventilation, the air is consumed as follows: for ventilation of the working area — 9,5 m3/s or 6,3 %; for ventilation of supporting workings — 100,0 m3/s or 66,4 %; for separate ventilation of the vaults — 13,0 m3/s or 8,6 %. Internal air-break is 28,0 m3/s or 18,6 % from the total air consumption, which exceeds the planned on at 4,0 times.

     The estimated air consumption for ventilation of the mine in February 2010 was 91,7 m3/s. How much the mine is supplied with air — 164 %. The mine has in operation: one working area; five separately ventilated vaults; twenty-seven supporting workings. The estimated consumption for the working area 1 of northern face of the southern slope seam l7 was suggested according to dust consumption and was 6,9 m3/s. The air supply of the working area was 138 %. For separate ventilation of the vaults 13,0 m3/s of air is consumed while the estimated number was - 10,8 m3/s. The supply is 120 %. For ventilation of the supplying workings 100,0 m3/s of air is used or 66 % of the air which comes into the mine. The supply with estimated air consumption of the supplying workings is 170 %.

     The analysis of the ventilation quality of the mine and the results of the ventilation system calculation by a computer make it possible to draw the following conclusions. The main disadvantages of the mine ventilation during the period of the depression survey were:

High-priority measures on the improvement of the mine ventilation

     High-priority measures which provide the fulfillment of the operational part of the plan of the emergency liquidation and for safety mine rescue operationsи for the nearest future are as follows:

  1. Installation of fire emergency door, which prevent from reversal of air flow under the influence of heat depression of fire in the following mines:
    - in 4 northern hauling road of slopes 7-9 seam l1 horizon 400 m between cross measure №2 of horizon 400 m and cross measure №3 horizon 400 m;
    - in southern main road seam l7 horizon 622 m between the chamber of drive gear and main haulage cross-cut of horizon 622 m;
    - in the upper part of southern cross-entry №9 seam l1;
    - in the vacant pit shaft №2 on the patch between the shaft №2 and diagonal breakoff.
  2. Installation (maintenance) fire emergency door (according with safety regulations i. 6.1.3) which serve localization of possible fires in the following workings:
    - in the upper part of northern cross-entry № 9 seam l1;
    - in the bottom part of cross-entry № 9 seam l1;
    - in the bottom part of northern working cross-entry № 9 seam l1;
    - in the bottom part of mechanized working cross-entry № 9 seam l1;
    - in the ventilation cross measure on shaft №2.
  3. Treatment with fire resistance covering or use of non-flammable material for making air doors in stakes which should be used for air flow shortening which come to a wing, plate, group of the working area, which are put on the upper receiving platform of the slope №1 seam k7 and drift belt cross measure seam k5.
  4. Maintenance of reserved main fan of ventilating system of shaft №2 "bis".

     Application of the actions set forth above will allow to improve mine airing, to provide more rational use of fresh air and to receive economy of the electric power at full maintenance of the isolated airing of objects of mine with the settlement expense of air.


     The analysis of ventilation in the working mine "Tsentralnaya" of state enterprise "Krasnoarmeyskugol" has been carried out, the lack of supply of the mine with necessary quantity of air has been stated as well as unsatisfying character of aerodynamic parameters of mine workings, unpractical use of the fresh air, substantial air leakage through ventilation constructions in mine workings and on the surface. The measures for normalization of climate conditions in the mine workings have been ordered as well as improving the mine aeration for the present.

At present the work for the magister degree is being carried out, in January 2011. For farther information ask the author Gruenko Viktoria and teacher Stukalo Vitaly.


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© DonNTU, 2010, Gruenko V.

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