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Gudinov Dmitriy

Gudinov Dmitriy

Mining and geology institute

Speciality: Mineral Processing

Theme of master's work:

The research of technology of concentrating and preparation of coal in production of highly concentrated water-coal fuel

Scientific adviser: Biletskyy Volodymyr

About author

Summary of research and developments


In 70-80-s of the XX century power crisis became permanent. It was the end of so-called “cheap mineral oil” era. Till 2000 year it was used [14]:

    1. 87 % of the world’s reserves of petroleum;

    2. 73 % of the world’s reserves of natural gas;

    3. 2 % of the world’s reserves of coal.

That’s why the USA proposed the return to “coal era” in 90-s. Nowadays 75 % of the thermoelectric power stations use coal. But this return is impossible because of some technological, ecological and economical reasjns [1].

Theme’s actuality. Among new coal technologies of great attention is the technology of water-coal fuel (WCF, WCS). The necessity of furning coal’s pieces led to the development of water-coal fuel and its application [2].

Figure 1 – The production of water-coal fuel in different countries of the world (1983-1995)

Figure 1 – The production of water-coal fuel in different countries of the world (1983-1995)

Larger part of projects concerning non-traditional and renewal sources of energy is aimed to the long lasting perspective. To Ukraine it may be the mainenergy resource. However ecological restrictions need development and introduction of new ecologically clean coal technologies which provide complete usage of fuel and low level of the pollution of environment [3].
Water-coal fuel consists of small pieces of coal, water and reagent-plastificator. Nowadays water-coal fuel is obtained from coal and coal waste (table 1) [4].

Table 1 – Composition of WCF and its Temperature Characteristics
ConponentsComposition and temperature of burning
Coal59-69 %
Water29-39 %
Reagent-plastificator1 %
Lightning temperature450 – 650 0
Burning temperature950 – 1050 0

We are to solve such tasks:

    1. To set up the dependence between the composition of hard phase and reological parameter of water-coal fuel.

    2. To determine the influence of the concentration methods on quantity characteristics of water-coal fuel and to give recommendations in usage of aifferent diagrams for production of water-coal fuel.

    3. To work up the technology of production of water-coal fuel.

The main part

Water-coal fuel has some advantages: [5]

    1. Ecological: water-coal fuel is safe for environment.

    2. Technological: the transition of thermal generating plants don’t need important changing in the construction of boiler unit.

    3. Economical: it reduces the cost of fuel in 2-3 times, operation expenditures on 15-30 % (table 2) [6].

Table 2 – Average cost price of production of heat in boiler units
Kind of fuelCost of 1 ton of some kind of fuel
Fuel oil421
Natural gas274
WCF made of coal220
WCF made of coal shlam190

Methods of production of water-coal fuel: [7]

    1. It is produced of small pieces of coal, water and reagent-plastificator in a pivot mill.

    2. It is made due to classification and reducing to fragments of coal and adding water and dispergators into the mill.

    3. Mixing coal dust with water (< 20 mkm).

    4. Production of water-coal fuel by means of heating hydromixture to 200-300o. Celsius with the help of high-frequency current under the pressure 1,5-10 MPa [12] and adding active supplements.

    5. Production of water-coal fuel out of brown coal by means of dry reducing to fragments, degas and mixing with water and supplements in homogenisator.

The most perspective nowadays is the technology of production when water-coal fuel is obtained by means of dry reducing to fragments initial coal pieces (3 mm) in the rotor-vortex mill [13]. The size of fragments is less than 20 mkm [8].
Using highspeed percussive destruction of fragments in the rotor-vortex mill selection of minerals and coal is obtained. Mineral fragments having higher compactness and hardness under coercion of gravital powers are picked out of the stream of reduced fragments. As a result ashes of water-coal fuel make up 2-8 % [9].


In spite of wide instillation of a new kind of oil fuel accurate recommendations concerning the regulation of its parameters have not been worked out yet is because theoretical basis of regulation of characteristics of highconcentrated dispersing systems have not taken into account the peculiarities of composition of a hard phase of water-coal fuel. Absence of theoretically and experimentally grounded dependence of composition and quantity of mineral supplements in water-coal fuel with its reological parameters prevent from making water-coal fuel with necessary qualitative characteristics [10].
The analysis of existing decisions concerning water-coal fuel showed that its ashes in the hard phase oscillate withing wide limits and is determined by the demands of the consumers to the quality of the fuel [15].


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    2. Исскуственное композиционное жидкое топливо из угля и эффективность его использования / Овчинников Ю.В. д.т.н., Луценко С.В.

    3. Использование вибромельниц для приготовления ВУТ

    4. Влияние температуры на реологические характеристики водоугольных суспензий из бурых углей / М.П. Баранова, М.Л. Щипок, Б.Н. Кузнецов

    5. Технологии сжигания водоугольного топлива (ВУТ) в котельных и на электростанциях / Ф. А. Серант, Л. И. Филин, Ю. В. Овчинников, К. В. Агапов, В. Ф. Рульковский, Ю. Н.

    6. Получение высококонцентрированного ВУТ на основе бурых углей разной степени окисленности / Савицкий Д. П., Макаров А. С., Егурнов А. И.

    7. Евгений Карпов Газета "Энергетика и промышленность России"

    8. Павел Сухов Огненная вода

    9. Применение экологически чистого водоугольного топлива - один из путей энергосбережения / В. И. Мурко, д.т.н., директор ФГУП «НПЦ «Экотехника», В. И. Федяев генеральный директор ЗАО НПП «Сибэкотехника» htm

    10. Газета: № 03 (119) февраль 2009 года: Производство и энергетика: Кавитационная технология приготовления водоугольного топлива 11. А. А. Круть, канд. техн. наук, НПО «Хаймек», Л. Н. Козыряцкий, канд. техн. наук, Донецкий национальный технический университет ВУТ на основе угольных шламов

    12. Кавитационные технологии для приготовления жидкого угля.

    13. Морозов А.Г., Мосин С.И., Мурко В.И. ВУТ в теплоэнергетике // Энергия: экономика, техника, экология. 2007. № 4

    14. Делягин Г.Н., Корнилов В.В., Кузнецов Ю.Д., Чернегов Ю.А. Совершенствование водоугольного топлива и перспектива его применения // Приложение к научно-техническому журнала «Экономика топливно-энергетического комплекса России». М.: ВНИИОЭНГ. 1993. 31 с.

    15. Брагин Б.Ф. Трубопроводный гидротранспорт твердых материалов: В 2 т.- Киев, 1993.-Т.2.- 327 с.

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