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Gudinov Dmitriy

Gudinov Dmitriy

Mining and geology institute

Speciality: Mineral Processing

Theme of master's work:

The research of technology of concentrating and preparation of coal in production of highly concentrated water-coal fuel

Scientific adviser: Biletskyy Volodymyr

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Average mark during my study at Univercity is 4,8. I know Russian and Ukrainian perfectly well. My knowledge in English is enough to read and write. I had studying training at “Chumakovskaya” and “Kievskaya” central separation factories. Then I had practical training for students at Dokuchaevsk Flux-Dolomite Group of Enterprises. I worked as a specialist at a technical department.
I had a good knowledge and practical skills in using Windows MS Officev(Word, Excel, Power Point, Access). I have a certain knowledge in calculating technological schemes of concentrating enterprises and in concentrating of mineral resources with the help of fundamental and special process of concentration.
I am rather sociable, communicative, honest, industrious and reliable. I am interested in learning English. I am keen on reading fiction and scientific literature. I like fishing and having a rest in the countryside.

Short biography


I was born on July 16th, 1988 in Dokuchayevsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine in the family of young engineers. My parents Vladimir and Natalya were educated and intellectual people. They brought me up with care and love. I was an inquisitive and cute child. I had an enormous fantasy. I like listen to fairy-tales and made up own tales and stories. I with my parents often went to the countryside. We ate kebab, went fishing and enjoyed the beauty of nature.
I remember our visit to the Crimea. I was greatly impressed by “Fairy Clearing” in Yalta and I was really excited when I saw the Black Sea for the first time in my life.

School years

I went to school in 1995. It was very difficult for me to sit at the lessons and listen to the teacher when I studied at elementary schhol. Then at secondary school I became interested in study and I was good at lots of subjects. Ten years at school passed quickly and imperceptibly. Thank to my teachers T. Starikova and T. Kirienko. I got excellent knowledge in Mathematics. I was awarded lots of diplomas and certificates of good work and conduct at school. When I graduated from secondary school I received a golden medal. I studied at a class with Physics and Mathematics profile. I took an active part in extra-school activities. I took part in regional competitions in different school subjects.


In 2005 I entered Donetsk National Technical University. I was interested in study and finished the fourth course with average mark 4,78. After that I made up my mind to enter a magistracy. The theme of my magistracy work is The research of technology of concentrating and preparation of coal in production of highly concentrated water-coal fuel. Vladimir Beletskiy is my scientific leader. He is a well-known Ukrainian scientist in mining production, a Doctor of technical Science, a member of T. Shevchenko’s Scientific Comradeship. He published lots of scientific publications.
My second speciality became “Enterprise’s Economics”. Years spent at the University were a real school of life to me. I communicated with interesting people, got acquainted with lots of new people, spent a real student’s time. My study at the University learnt me to work in group.

When I graduate from the University I’ll do my best to find a deserving and well-paid job. I hope to inrich my professional skills in 10 years and make my career. I think I’ll be able to write scientific articles for economical and indusrry magazins. I suppose that in 15 years I’ll work out new kinds of fuel out of coal.

DonNTU > Master's portal || Abstract