Kotlyarov Evgeniy

Institute of Mining and Geology                         Speciality: Geology
Theme of master's work: Conformities to law of placing of minerals of Novoluganskoy of melliferous area
Scientific adviser: professor, doctor of geological sciences Korchemagin Viktor



 Actuality of theme is devoted the study of geologoprognosis factors and searches of signs of anomaly of copper.

Purpose of work. Determination of basic prognosis factors and searches of signs of anomaly of copper.

Tasks of researches.

  1. Checking of main searching criteria for a copper within the limits of the probed territory.
  2. From data of geophysical researches and geochemical tests on separate areas, and borings works.
  3. Research of localization of areas of ore mineralizacii in connection with the searching signs of deposits of copper.

For the decision of the put tasks the followings methods of researches are used:

1.  Study of all present graphic arts (maps, cuts, diagrams).

2. Structural and morphological analysis of all known geological elements of area.

3. Result of research of baring and statistical treatment of results and analyses on a copper concomitant mineralizaciyu.

4. Surface geophysical researches, detailed geochemical researches on separate areas and borings works.

Complex analysis of geophysical and geochemical researches.

Fig. 1. Research of areas of ore mineralizacii in connection with the searching signs of deposits of copper. Gif-animation, 7 frames,  looped repetition, 70,2 Kb

An idea of work is determination of basic prognosis factors and searching signs of anomaly of copper.

Substantive scientific provisions which are on the defensive:
Basic prognosis factors are for this area: structural-tectonic and geomorphological factors.

Scientific novelty of the got results: a basic prognosis factor is selected for this genetic type of anomaly of copper.

The practical value of work is determined: geophysical and geochemical types which defined in practice the action of prognosis factors of display of copper ore for the further searches of minerals are built.

During implementation of work it was served actual preproduct:

  1. actual materials, got in practice from data of GPK Novoluganskoy areas;
  2. are present geological maps of different scales, crossings, gipsoplany.

Personal deposit. The author of master's degree work is collect actual material, aims and tasks of research are certain, a basic idea and scientific positions is formulated, that dart out on defence, selected in the prognosis factors of Novoluganskoy of melliferous area. Were studied: geological map, map of actual material, map of minerals, geophysical and geochemical types are built, the bored mining holes are analysed, conformities to law of placing of copper are conducted on Novoluganskoy of area.

Approbation and realization of job performances. Job performances in 2010 were presented at Allukrainian conference of youths of scientists in the Kievan national university (Allukrainian conference of youths of scientists, Kiev – 2010). Lecture on a theme: «Conformities to law of placing of minerals of Novolunskoy of area».



 On the basis of all materials were set:

  • the areas of enhanceable conductivity are localized in grey sandstones, that determines the genetic type of anomaly of copper as stratiformy;
  • it is statistical treatment of results and analyses on a copper and concomitant mineralizaciyu;
  • additional minerals (Hg, Ag, Zn et al) which are related to the structural-tectonic factor of Novoluganskoy of area are set.
  • Literature

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