

Relevance of the Topic

          Regarding the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 28th March 1997, 64 mines are to be taken out of service in Donbass. Mines shut downs of this quantity lead to negative effects. That is why relevant issues of restructuring are situation study in the particular areas and prevention of bad effects of mines shut down to natural environment and population.

Connection of the work with scientific programmes, plans, study fulfilment on the order of scientific establishment or production organization.

           The work is connected with scientific and research study of the faculty of natural resources and ecological geology H 8-07 “Geological peculiarities study and of ecology risks areas of Donetsk region and prognosis technique development”.

The Purpose and Tasks of the Study (the item, subject and study techniques)

          The purpose of study is to establish factors, which cause hydrogeologic, geotechnical and ecological problems at shut downs of mines of Donetsk.

Tasks of the Study:
1. Calculate statistical figures of underground waters dynamics and chemistry;
2. Plot the maps of figures distribution in the area and to establish peculiarities of their distribution.
3. Identify the highest contamination parts within mine fields;
4. Identify the main factors, which influence the formation of negative effects;
5. Make quantitative evaluation of underground waters contamination;
6. Develop recommendations for situation improvements in the areas of study.

          The item of study is a structure of mineral resources and hydrosphere in the area of mines of Donetsk.

          The subject of study is underground waters chemistry and its development dynamics.

Fig. 1. Studied chemical components of underground waters. GIF-animation, 16 shots, a cycle repetition, 83 кб.

Study Techniques:

  • Map materials analysis;
  • Compiling of basic data samplings;
  • Statistical processing;
  • Geochemical plotting of the area of study;
  • Dimensional analysis of components distribution;
  • Quantitative evaluation underground waters contamination;
  • Analogue approach usage;

Scientific Novelty of the Received Results

           For the first time there were systematized and generalized data of cations (Na, K, Ca) and anions (Cl, SO4, HCO3) in the underground waters in the area of study.
          There was simultaneous migration of certain chemical elements discovered.

Received Results Practical Meaning

          The received results can be used for the following:

  • hydroelectric monitoring net construction;
  • Donetsk city natural waters hydrochemical regime formation peculiarities research

Master’s Personal Input

Personal input comprises the following:

  • search, sampling and processing of the basic data;
  • results interpretation;
  • maps plotting.

Results Approbation

          A.S. Tarasenko “Underground waters chemistry changes peculiarities within the limits of mine fields” – report at the II All Ukrainian Youth Conference-school “Modern issues of geological sciences”, Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University, Kiev, 2010.
          A.S. Tarasenko “Under-flooding of the territories with ground waters within the limits of Donetsk region” – report at the All Ukrainian student academic and research conference “Geographical education and national self-awareness: relevant issues of their formation”, Donetsk Institute of Social Education, Donetsk, 2008.


           A.S. Tarasenko “Underground waters chemistry changes peculiarities within the limits of mine fields” –theses at the II All Ukrainian Youth Conference-school “Modern issues of geological sciences”, Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University, Kiev, 2010.
          A.S. Tarasenko “Under-flooding of the territories with ground waters within the limits of Donetsk region” –theses at the All Ukrainian student academic and research conference “Geographical education and national self-awareness: relevant issues of their formation”, Donetsk Institute of Social Education, Donetsk, 2008.
          A.S. Tarasenko “Ecological and hydrogeological evaluation of factors, which influence natural environment at the shut down of mines of Donbass” - article; VII International Science Conference “Geography, geoecology, geology: scientific studies experience”, Dnepropetrovsk, 2010.


Scientific Publications Overview

          In the last years precipitous development of study problems can be seen, which grow because of mining enterprises restructuring.
          The first scientific publications refer to 1997. The articles, devoted to this issue, could be published in the magazines of ecologic focus and also in magazines, devoted to coal mining industry, such as “Coal of Ukraine”, “Coal”, etc. Topics of publications is versatile.
          Modern conceptions of mass mines shut down influence on eco-geological state of Donbass are connected with the names of such researchers as V.N. Yermakov, O.A. Ulickiy, E.P. Kotelevec, S.V. Gomovskiy, U.H. Gavrilenko, B.A. Slyadnev, E.A. Yakovlev, H.A. Yurkova, A.B. Tarakhkalo and other authors.
          The researchers point out that mines shut down would cause the wide range of negative processes. In connection to this in the liquidation procedure special measures should be taken into account of ground protection and they deem evident the necessity to conduct works of underground hydrosphere contamination monitoring of the selected area.
          Despite the hydro-ecological state of the region is studied quite well, some issues stay very relevant.
          For their solving there was conducted a work, the purpose of which is a study of Donetsk underground waters chemistry peculiarities.

Studies Technique

           Study of underground waters dynamics and chemistry is conducted in several stages:

  • Graphic materials analysis (geological map of the region, hypsometric plans of coal fields, stratigraphic columns and other);
  • Underground waters chemistry conditions of formation study;
  • Statistic analysis (data processing is conducted by means of software SPSS 15.0 for Windows). For determination of some peculiarities of underground waters chemistry, on the basis of samplers, selected in 2006 by Production Enterprise “Ukruglegeologiya”, there was conducted a standard data processing of cations content of  potassium, sodium, calcium and anions content of bicarbonate, sulphate and chlorine. Samplers’ selection was conducted in springs, wells and pores in the fields of current and earlier shut down mines. Dimensional analysis is conducted by software Surfer 8.0;
  • Conduction of quantitative evaluation of underground waters contamination within the limits of mining fields;
  • Analogue approach usage for underground waters chemistry variability identification.


          For evaluation of each parameter’s content range variability there have been calculated statistical parameters of underground waters basic components distribution.
          In the research of possible mutual migration of underground waters separate components there have been allocated associations of anions and cations.
          For the research of dimensional disposition of each element there have been plotted the contour maps of elements content within the limits of mining fields.
          Analyzing of the given maps, we can make the following conclusions.
          At the field of description the main factors, which influence underground waters chemistry formation, are the following:

  • sites of fractures, through which happens a gain of an element from deeper horizons;
  • local lowering of relief, hollows and, as a result, availability of parts with seasonal under-flooding;
  • availability of influence of intensive absorption area of surface waters;
  • agricultural activity of people;

          In abnormalities, subject to surpassing of fractures, there is available a complex rise of all researchable components content; in abnormalities, relating to the lowering of relief, there is a part of them; in other cases there is a change in 1-2 elements content.
          Water chemistry change at the expense of components complex coming into water media happens mainly in central, southern and northern-western parts of the area.


           In the process of study of underground water resources hydro-chemical peculiarities there have been pointed out some regularities of their chemistry change.
          The received results can be used for the purposes of possible ecologic consequences prognosis in other regions, taking into account similarity, geological peculiarities and differences of regions.

          The research work is not yet complete. The ultimate fulfilment is supposed in December 2010.


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