Date of birth: October 26, 1989
Place of birth: Donetsk, Ukraine
School: Donetsk specialized Physics and Math school ¹17 (1996-2006)
Higher education:
Donetsk national technical university
Electrotechnical faculty
Speciality: «Electrotechnical systems of electrical consumption» (2006-2011)
Additional higher education:
Donetsk national technical university
After-graduate education institute
Speciality: «Enterprise Economics» (2010-2012)
Average ratings: 5.0 (bachelor)
Language knowlege: English (fluently)
Hobbies: football, history
Personal qualities: sociability, stress-steadiness, purposefulness
Computer skills:
  1. Operational systems: OS Windows;
  2. Application areas: MathCAD, ÊÎÌÏÀÑ, MS Office;
  3. Programming Languages: Ñ++.
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