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Master of DonNTU Igor Shabalin

Igor Shabalin

Electrotechnical faculty

Chair: Electrical supply of industrial enterprises and cities

Speciality: Electrotechnical systems of electroconsumption

Automatic systems commercial accounting of electric power at the mine im.Zasyadko

Supervisor: Victor Oleynik

Resume    Abstract


        I was born on March 8, 1989 in Donetsk. My father - Shabalin Anatoly P. (artist) and mum - Darya Shabalina Davydovna (artist) engaged in my education. Sister - Shabalina Irina older than me by 12 years. I went to the nearest house from kindergarten "Sun". While parents were at work in my education was engaged grandmother and sister. I liked the regular games, drawing, singing and much more.


        From the first class I enrolled in school ¹ 99 in 1996. Education in the elementary grades do not represent special complexity because the school I was prepared - well able to read, count and write. The school was extended-day training, returned home by 5 o'clock already with lessons learned. With 5 years of dancing in DK.Metallurgov, where he studied for more than 10 years. In place of the primary grades came older. Many new subjects and teachers. I gave preference to the exact sciences, humanities were given to me too easily. Special difficulties in all subjects I have not had, there was still a lot of free time, I dabbled in different sports: football, basketball, athletics and swimming. Played football on the Metallurg, swimming the miners. Carried away by the desktop tennisom.Igral at the Sports Complex North. Participated in the active life of a class, consisted in the organization "Union of Good Hearts", participated in city and regional competitions in the following subjects: mathematics, geography. After a 7-grade entered the Donetsk Technical Lyceum, which is located not far from my home, where he studied to 11 th grade. LBD graduated with honors. I want to thank each and every teacher who taught at the school where I studied. They are all in varying degrees, have contributed to the formation of my personality.


        In 2006 he was admitted passing rating tests in the Donetsk National Technical University (Donetsk National Technical University) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the specialty "Electrical power supply system", DonNTU. I chose this profession as long fascinated by science and technology. All the psychological difficulties of the transition from school to university managed to overcome. Further, all went like clockwork. Many of my classmates were my good friends and acquaintances. Almost all of my former classmates have chosen DonNTU. After studying for 4 years I have successfully passed the state exam as "excellent" and received a bachelor's degree. Gained over the years of study the average score given me the opportunity to enter into the magistracy, which I gladly took. The topic of my master's thesis was "Automatic systems commercial accounting of electric power at the mine im.Zasyadko" headed by Associate Professor Victor Oleynik.

        My future plans

        Its immediate task is considered successful defense of master's work and receiving a master's degree. Next I would like to get to the interesting work in their fields, which would bring me moral satisfaction. Also, creating a strong and friendly family.


Resume    Abstract