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Master of DonNTU Igor Shabalin

Igor Shabalin

Electrotechnical faculty

Chair: Electrical supply of industrial enterprises and cities

Speciality: Electrotechnical systems of electroconsumption

Automatic systems commercial accounting of electric power at the mine im.Zasyadko

Supervisor: Victor Oleynik

About myself    Abstract    


- Igor Shabalin.
- Born 27 March 1989.
- 1-7 Class at school ¹ 99, Donetsk Technical grades 7-11 high school.
- 2006-2010 Year he studied at the Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering at the Donetsk National Technical University.
- Perfectly speak Russian and Ukrainian languages, spoken English and German.
- Repeatedly took part in math competitions, tournaments, athletics and table tennis where he held the prize.
- Enjoys football, basketball, track and weightlifting, table tennis, swimming, love to read philosophical esoteric books, encyclopedias; of music - classic, club, rap.
- I consider myself dedicated and punctual.
- I own a computer. Voperatsionnoy work on Windows,
- in mathematical package MathCad and MathLab, programming languages ??like Pascal and C + +, I know graphics editor Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw. -I have experience at the plant (month practice at the factory 'Styrene. "Position - assistant energy).
- Plans for the future - complete master's degree, find decent jobs in their field, to continue his scientific work.
- Contact information (e-mail, ICQ: 397396213)

About myself    Abstract