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Magistr DonNTU Zaitsev Victor

Zaitsev Victor

Electrotechnical faculty

Speciality "Electromechanical equipment energy-intensive industries"

Justify the suspension system parameters mine locomotive

Scientific adviser: PhD. Nicolai Khitsenko


Summary of research and developments



Relevance of the topic

Purpose and objectives

Development on

Further research problem




     Improvement of the technical – economic indices of the mining industry can be achieved through the application of advanced methods of mineral extraction, accelerating the pace of implementation of scientific - technical progress, improving the organization of production, improvement of process control systems and the industry as a whole.

     Currently, one of the main modes of transport of goods by gorizontalnym workings of coal and ore mines is a locomotive haulage. Consequently, the performance and reliability of locomotive transport is an urgent task.

Relevance of the topic

     One of the main core of the main transport for coal plants is the locomotive haulage. When developing new and improving existing structures mine locomotives are the most difficult issues related to the choice of design parameters and calculation of the basic units of mechanical parts. Pre-existing methods of calculation does not take into account a number of dynamic processes.

     In Ukraine, research and academic institutions, including public DonUGI, MakNDI, Donetsk National Technical University, work on the development of new advanced methods of selecting and determining the reliability of transport systems and introducing them to life. Very interesting against this background that looks like the proposed method. Work to support activities to enhance the reliability of the transport complex mine technically and economically justified. To obtain the greatest economic impact must take into account not only geological and mining-technical conditions, the degree and mode of loading of vehicles, as well as time to apply measures to prevent accidents. So issue is relevant.

Purpose and objectives

     The purpose of the work – the rationale of a rational structure and parameters of the suspension system of mine locomotive to ensure smooth operation and uniform distribution of contact pressure on the wheels to the rail track when starting.

     To achieve this goal were as follows:

1) Perform literature review on the subject of;

2) Analyze the structural schemes suspension systems mine locomotives;

3) Develop a mathematical model of suspension system;

4) Develop a mathematical model of track;

5) Determine the parameters of the suspension system.

6) Investigate the effect of the suspension system parameters on the efficiency of its functioning;

7) Substantiate the rational parameters of suspension system

Development on

     Figure 1 shows the equivalent circuit of a dynamic system electric locomotive according to [7]. In the equivalent system nadressornoe structure based on the chassis by two longitudinal beam located on the upper part of wheel pairs, four above the elastic element with stiffness C1 set of Books, and the other two elements C2 – on the beam between the bush

     Equivalence of the system is achieved when the following conditions

the same location of centers of gravity and elasticity

equality work of the elastic forces (and the equivalent of real systems) for the translational and angular displacements nadressornogo buildings on the action coordinates.

Fig. 1. Estimated equivalent system of spring suspension of the locomotive

     To study the situation nadressornogo structure adopted two coordinate systems: the main and auxiliary X0Y0Z0 XYZ. As the origin of the system adopted by the main center of elasticity O. The basic system is moving steadily in a straight line at a speed of the crew. The auxiliary system of coordinates connected with nadressornym structure and the position of static equilibrium coincides with the main system

     When excited oscillation system XYZ gets back-and-corner, and the reciprocating movement relative to the system X0Y0Z0. Nadressornoe structure may make the movement along the axis Z (swing jumping) and tilt axes X0 and Y0 (the angles and, accordingly, fluctuations in galloping and side roll)

Further research problem

     A mathematical model for the track.


     Analysis of structural systems, suspension mine locomotives allowed to identify forward-looking structure - a torsion bar suspension system with longitudinal rocker, which should improve the uniformity of the distribution of traction between the wheel pairs of locomotive with small dimensions typical of the individual suspension systems

     A mathematical model of the dynamics of an electric locomotive, taking into account the elastic characteristics of the elements of the suspension system, the irregularities of the track and the various modes of movement of locomotive (Acceleration, steady motion). It was established that the stiffness of the springs and the size of the database engine has a significant influence on the vibration and acceleration of the locomotive body

Trajectory of the wheel rolling

Рис. 5. Trajectory of the wheel rolling. (volume - 100 KB; number of frames - 6; duration - 7.)


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