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Chabannaya Marina

Chabannaya Marina

Faculty: Environmental and Chemical Technology
Minerals and åkological geology department
Speciality: Ecological geology

Analysis of Influence of Coal-mining Enterprises on the Hidrosphere

Scientific adviser: c.g.s., docent Juliya Proskurnya

Resume | Abstract



It was a snowy frosty weather. Through heavy snow clouds made their way bright playful rays of spring sun was almost that promise a joyful event. On this wonderful day, February 27, 1988 in Khartsyzk was born a little baby named Marina. She brought much joy and happiness to het parents. Her parents Olga Chabannaya and Vitaly Chabanniy.

As I know, in my childhood I was a quiet and peaceful child. Like most kids I went to kindergarten. In my case it was called "Cinderella." There was a time my grandfather worked as a watchman. Sometimes I stayed with him at night, to scout the forbidden corners of the garden. Most of my free time I spent with my grandfather. While I was with him, as two best friends, we played different children's games under the table, my grandmother cooked us meals. And then we eat this meals together.

In the summer, when the kindergarten was closed, I stayed with my other grandparents, who lived in a private area on the outskirts of Ilovaisk. What could be better than time spent in the fresh air! ..

But time runs fast. Then school time came — time for new adventures and discoveries.


September 1, 1995 at school ¹ 1925 Khàrtsyzka for me the first bell rang, which opened the gates to the country of deep knowledge. Guide to this country unprecedented for me was the first teacher Petrushina Tamara — kind, sympathetic, but demanding women. Together with my new friends, I began to comprehend the science unknown to us.

The older we get, the more were smarter. Therefore, increasing the number of our teachers, presents a deep, subtle and complex science. In my opinion, the main task of teachers was the discovery of us as individuals and worthy members of society. I think they managed to achieve the desired results.

I have not spent much time studying, because it was given to me easily, and had to look my younger brother Chabanniy Vladislav.

     Teachers have always said that I was smart, grasp everything on the fly, but lazy. If it were not for my laziness, I would have graduated from high school to perfect.

During his school years I participated in various contests, competitions, contests, various demonstrations, Christmas party. Since I am a creative and eccentric personality, and could not confine ourselves to only one school. Should have been somewhere to invest my potential, so I attended a drama club, art school, while still in high school and courses in math and English language.

I am grateful to all my teachers and mentors for their contributions to my further development as a person.

Not noticeably crept spring 2005 and with it the last school days. It's time to do the first, but confident steps into adult life — to choose their future profession, and hence the choice of university.


To increase and improve their level of knowledge, my choice fell on the Donetsk National University, Economics and Trade after M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky, where I failed. But I'm not upset about it. On the contrary, I found the positive side of this situation — a year vacation.

Despite everything, this year I spent usefully. Heavily engaged in math and English language, I increased my knowledge on these subjects, so as not to put up a second time.

As the saying goes, everything changes every second. What can you expect from a whole year? Everything could change at any moment. Watching everything that happens in the world around us, I decided to protect our Mother Nature and its inhabitants. This is what was determined my receipt in Donetsk National Technical University on specialty "Environmental Geology".

As I previously mentioned, training was given to me easily. Therefore, almost all my free time I spent with my best friends — bright, funny and extraordinary personalities. As the song says: "The music we are bound" — it was so in our case. Not a minute passes without its sounding. Very often, we attend various music schools, where it plays Rock. Most of the warm evenings, our merry noisy company resides in squares and parks, and the cold winter evenings we organize interesting and educational gatherings in their home residence.

For all years of study at university I gained a huge store of knowledge necessary to work in the field of environmental geology. Teachers have become our very good mentors. Unable to allocate someone. The entire teaching staff has invested a lot of strength, knowledge, skills and patience that we have become good professionals.

After receiving a bachelor's degree in 2010, I purposefully decided to continue his studies, and therefore enrolled in graduate school. The subject of my master's thesis, "Assessing the impact of coal mining enterprises in the hydrosphere. This theme is very relevant, because we live in the Donbass, where highly developed coal mining. When coal mines pumped out a very large amount of water, which adversely affect the environment. Untreated mine water, walking into surface watercourses and water bodies, presenting them with violations of the salt regime, causing undesirable environmental violations in the hydrosphere, degrade the habitat of animals and plants. In examining this question helps me is my master's thesis supervisor Proskurnya Julia — a wonderful teacher and person, c.g.s., docent of minerals and of ecological geology.

Plans for the Future

I do not like to make plans. Often, something interferes to implement them. Therefore I live for today, a little looking into tomorrow.

Resume | Abstract