Faculty: Ecology and chemical technology
Speciality "Chemical technology of high molecular connections"
Research of the influence of primer on the quality of adhesion to metallized film
Scientific adviser: Prazdnikova Tatiana



      I was born on 16-th February 1988 in Volnovaha Donetsk region. Parents: father — Grigoriy Melnichenko, senior engineer of the metrological service Mariupol signaling and communication of Donetsk railway. Mother Tatiana Melnichenko, a senior electrician of Mariupol signaling and communication of Donetsk railway.
      From 3 yers started kindergarten, where I met with my friends. As a child, was very active child, so most of the time spent on the street. I'm studied the surroundings of the city, which is not very happy my parents were lost, the stadium, playing football. From 5 years I have learned to read. In kindergarten showed increased activity, resulting in a continued involvement in the matinees. Most often in the role of the hare. Every summer I spent with my grandmother in Kiev. I am very fond of this city, and plans to continue to live exactly in it.


      Â In 1995 I went to the first class Volnovakha school ¹ 7. Thanks to a fortunate coincidence for me 10 years I had one class teacher — Natalia Voytyukova. This wonderful man has played an important role in my life, so she would like to express my great appreciation. In school, I read a huge amount of literature that has significantly expanded my horizons. Favorite subjects were chemistry, geography, history. Unloved subjects — algebra and geometry. I'm studied well, but straight a was not. I love the chemistry instilled in the eighth grade, our teacher Vasil Ilchenko. Even then I knew my life would be connected with this science.
      During my studies at school, tried me hand in many sports: doing basketball, volleyball, soccer and boxing. I really spent much time at the stadium where we played or football, or in streetball. At my school had a very strong team basketball and we have repeatedly became prize-winners of regional competitions among schools. Near the end of school I started boxing. During this time I received a discharge in adults, won the international competition, became the winner of the national championship among youth and young adults. In 2006 I graduated from high school.


      In 2006 he entered the Donetsk National Technical University at the Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology. I have done by the rating test. Before the end of school I was enrolled as students DonNTU. I chose to major in "Chemical technology of high molecular connections", because that I've always liked chemistry and their future career I would like to link with the chemical industry.
      The most interesting of the period of study subjects were the processes and apparatuses of chemical technology, fundamentals of chemical technology, analytical chemistry, computer programming. For their knowledge in the specialty I want to express special thanks to teacher of "Chemical technology of fuel". Participated in scientific conferences. Student years gave a lot of new experiences, interesting acquaintances.
      In 2010 I received a bachelor's degree, then I went to graduate school. Choosing the theme of master's work was cause by start of my work as a colorist in the company "DPA" of Donetsk. I enjoy from this interesting work.

Future Plans

      The nearest plans — to finish writing the master's work and to protect it, get a degree in economics and legal education, raise a family. I also want to thoroughly learn English and get a job at a major international company where I could fulfill your potential and achieve high career growth.
      In the future I plan to visit the Winter Olympics Games, travel around the world with a loved one. Particularly wish to visit Norway and Denmark.
      Confucius said: "Man is able to make way great, but the great man makes way", and I will do my best to walk this path with dignity.
Resume | Abstract