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Master DonNTU Anastasia Sidorenko

Anastasia Sidorenko

Faculty Ecology and Chemical Technology
Department Environmental Activities
Speciality "Ecology mining technologies"

Selection and justification of technology solutions for the purification of mine water and increase the efficiency of their re-use in finalizing the reserves of the mine "Belozerskaya"

Scientific: adviser Daniela Vygovskaya



Relevance of the topic

For many years in the Donbass region faces a complicated ecological situation which provides a growing man-made impact on the environment. In the Donets Basin are widely represented enterprises of metallurgical, chemical, construction and other industries. Greatly influenced by the mining industry: the development of coal and other minerals. Technogenic load on the environment in the region exceeds the average of 5-15 times [1]. This leads to the highest intensity in Ukraine consumption of fresh water — about 2,5 billion cubic meters per year.

Compounding this situation the lack of modern sewage treatment facilities, causing a powerful discharge of inadequately treated sewage waters in small rivers of Donbass (about 3,7 billion cubic meters per year). This level is the highest in Ukraine.

discharge of inadequately treated sewage waters in small rivers of Donbass

Figure 1.1 — Waste water discharge into the natural object

These factors, as well as low-flow region are the cause of excess industrial — domestic waste water over the volumes of natural river flow in the Donbass.

On the excess above the level of drainage water consumption has a major influence in the discharge of the regional hydrographic network incidentally — extracted mine water in an amount of about 0.9 billion cubic meters per year (10 m 3 per ton of coal), which is comparable to the influx of fresh water on Channel Donets-Donbass [2]. And as a consequence — the lack of clean rivers in the Donbass.

Discharged mine water is characterized by the presence in the contents of a large amount of mineral impurities, and differs significantly mineralization and significant bacterial contamination. Mine water in the absence of treatment facilities, getting into surface water bodies and streams, polluting them. Therefore, contaminated, incidentally mine water are removed by appropriate treatment are a source of replenishment Freshwater, which entails the solution to the problem of water scarcity in the region, as well as their application for re-use on dust control, drinking and technical water supply of mines, irrigation of agricultural lands, fish farming, etc.

Aims and objectives of the study

Objective — the opportunity to ecological and economic benefits by improving the quality of treatment of mine water for reuse use while improving the technology of cleaning mine water in the mine "Belozerskaya".

Idea work — the choice and justification of advanced treatment technologies for mine water reuse.


— investigation and analysis of the situation at the enterprise;

— estimate the negative impact on a GPT;

— analysis of studies of wastewater enterprise;

— review of existing methods of purification of mine waters, the choice of optimal technological scheme;

— development and substantiation of the parameters adopted by the technological scheme of treatment of mine waters;

— calculation of the expected economic benefits possible from the implementation of the proposed technological solutions.

Object of study — wastewater mine "Belozerskaya".

Subject of study — the technological process and reuse of mine water.

Scientific novelty:

— establishment of relationship between the amount of water pumped from the mine in time;

— forecasting maximum pumping water from the mine at its maximum load;

— direction of the rational use of natural resource (waters) in the conditions of the real enterprise;

— feasibility study of water use as a feedstock.


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