RUS UKR DonNTU Master's Portal
Master DonNTU Tovshchik Natalia

Tovshchik Natalia

Faculty of ecology and chemical technology

Department of ore-thermal processes and low-waste technologies

Speciality "Ecology and Environmental protection"

Development of technology for dry cleaning blast furnace gas

Scientific adviser: Vladimir Kochura 



¹ Section Note
1. Name of the master Tovshchik Natalia
2. Date of birth 18.06.1989
3. Place of birth Donetsk
4. School School ¹121 Donetsk 1996-2002, the Donetsk technical lyceum 2002-2006
5. University donetsk national technical university 2006-2010 – bachelor degree, 2010-2011. – master's degree
6. The average score 4,75
7. Languages Russian and Ukrainian – fluent, English – in a volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence
8. Personal achievements
9. Hobbies Bubbly floristics, Adobe Photoshop, photography
10. Personal qualities Sociability, purposefulness, energy, persistence in achieving the desired goals
11. Possession of the computer 1. OS: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7
2. Graphics editors: Adobe Photoshop
3. Programming languages: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Pascal
4. Microsoft Office Tools: Word, Excel, Power Point
12. Additional courses, internships, grants Driving license category "B"
13. Work experience
14. Plans for the future Find a perspective interesting work in the specialty
15. Contact information