Summary on the final work


The substantiation of a theme and its urgency

In connection with growth of scales of manufacture increases influence of activity of the person on surrounding environment. But not one kind of activity doesn't do such complex influence on environment, as mountain manufacture.
On coal-mining and sуглеперерабатывающих the enterprises along with manufacture of basic production (coal, a coal concentrate) form a considerable quantity of a gaseous, firm and liquid waste (mine methane, breed, enrichment tails, sewage). The specified waste negatively influences results of economic activities of the enterprises as demand expenses for their gathering, transportation, storage, and also complicates ecological conditions in areas of placing of mines.

Essential influence on natural environment is rendered by delivery and processing of mountain weight and breeds from carrying out of mountain developments which are expressed in employment of the earth’s under sailings, infringement of a natural landscape of a terrestrial surface, atmosphere pollution by firm and gaseous impurity, pollution of reservoirs шламовыми by waters. Each one thousand tons of underground extraction is accompanied by delivery on a surface 110-150 м3 breed, one thousand tons of enrichment of coal – warehousing 100-120 м3 breeds. Technogenic loading on territory unit in Donetsk area more than in 9 times exceeds average across Ukraine.

Рисунок 1. Образование промышленных отходов в Донецкой области по отраслям

On the average across Ukraine one enterprise throws out in environment of 154,7 tons of harmful substances. At coal mining by underground way in Donbass there are considerable infringements of a natural landscape. There is a pollution of water, air, bowels, a ground. Also the adverse effect of underground mining of coal deposits on environment appears in non-uniform subsidence on 0,5-2 г in a year of a terrestrial surface the area 100-200 км2. Breed sailings most essentially worsen surrounding environment as many of them burn and throw out burning products in air; poisonous substances and heavy metals are washed off by deposits in water and a ground; the dust and other harmful substances rise in air; the occupied earths which in a consequence can't be used because of the big pollution and essential deformation etc. As consequence – the population receives a considerable quantity of diseases and life expectancy reduction. The mine pays heavy fines for such pollution and infringement of surrounding environment which does its work not profitable while on this waste it is possible and it is necessary to earn. In Donetsk area 132 sailings continue to burn; In region territory 582 sailings at present are located. The size and the form of sailings influence intensity of heat exchange in deep zones define filtering properties of sailings and promote or interfere with generation and heat accumulation. The most intensive processes proceed on crests flat and at tops of conic sailings which are easily blown by streams of atmospheric air. At the same time, takes place очаговое breed burning on a surface of sailings of a various configuration. Conducted in territory of Donbass of research have shown that sailings with height less than 30 m practically don't burn, with height to 50 m 60 % of sailings, to 90 m – 87 % burn, over 90 m – almost all sailings burn.

There are technologies which allow to make coal branch low-waste manufacture. These technologies are used for a long time already all over the world, and in our country by it isn't taken away yet appropriate attention.

Breed which is extracted and already existing sailings can be effectively used in many areas of the industry, agriculture, bringing considerable profit. Also it is necessary for putting in mountain developments that there was no earth lowering. It is necessary to introduce more likely whenever possible new technologies on breed use.

One of the reasons which constrain development of works on rational use of secondary resources, especially in an interbranch cut when a waste which are formed at the enterprises of one areas, can be used in other areas of a national economy, absence of the systematized information base, and also insufficient financing in this area is.

The purpose and research problems:

the work Purpose: to develop technological decisions on complex use of mine breed in the conditions of mine «Russia» for decrease in harmful influence on environment.

For an object in view performance of following problems is necessary:
1. To analyze a condition of researches in the field of complex use of breed.
2. To choose and prove directions and criteria of rational use of raw materials of pedigree sailings.
3. To prove technological decisions at use of breed of sailings of collieries for the industry.
4. To develop decision-making system on use of additional sources of raw materials for the industry of Donbass.

Object of research – pedigree sailings and their influence on surrounding environment.

An object of research – technological processes of extraction and breed use in mine.

Research methods: analytical, methods of technical and economic calculations, a modeling method, the decision of situational problems, forecasting, a method of statistical data processing.

Scientific novelty of work

Novelty consists in an establishment of dependence of quantity of breed received in mine in time and working out of recommendations about rational use of breed as secondary resource.

Scientific novelty reveals in following results of achievement:

  • forecasting of quantity of used breed for mine at its maximum extraction;
  • a substantiation of directions of rational use of breed in the conditions of mine «Russia;
  • the feasibility report on breed extracted in mine as raw resource.

Practical value of work

In work practical offers on a substantiation of directions of use of breed are given, technological decisions taking into account enterprise conditions are offered.
The given work has the minimum practical value - masters of the next years and other researchers working in the given direction can use it as the sample.

The review of existing researches and workings out on a theme

Exists a number of published articles devoted to the given theme.
Scientific publications in periodicals on a theme of preservation of the environment in sphere use of breed for a pneumobookmark, and also – a mining complex as a whole, aren't numerous. Occasionally articles devoted to these subjects, are published in «Mountain magazine» and magazine «Coal of Ukraine». But any information of such character not always opens a theme, it has only superficial character as questions of dependence of quantity of breed received in mine in time, because of a defect in the documentation are insufficiently studied, especially at certification of pedigree sailings, and many other things. Owing to what there are enough unresolved questions over which it is necessary to work.
In magazine articles «Coal of Ukraine» of this problem the following articles have been devoted:
1. The complex decision of environmental problems in large industrial regions.
2. Prospects and directions of development of the coal industry.
3. The scheme of a bookmark of the developed space of mines by means of nonconventional means.
4. Some features of burning of waste heaps of Donbass etc.
Were also some workings out on the given problem of my supervisor of studies with the previous students: with use of breed technological schemes of fastening are developed for different mountain-geological conditions, and the simulated elements of fastening of these schemes; techniques of acceptance of technological decisions on use of breed of a sailing are offered; the forecast of change of parameters of pedigree sailings of collieries has been made; are offered action for decrease in negative influence of pedigree sailings on environment. The technical policy of mine should be based on use of breed for the needs, practical realization of that is effectively carried out by a method of a full bookmark of the developed space that provides reduction of quantity of breed which stands out, and also its returning in bowels.


Current and planned results on a theme

Results of the performed work will allow:
- to predict quantity of used breed on mine at its maximum extraction;
- to prove a direction of rational use of breed in the conditions of mine;
- to prevent the subsequent negative influences leading to crisis situations.
Results master’s works can form a basis for the further researches.

The conclusions

It is proved that the mountain enterprises, among the developed branches of a national economy of Ukraine, do the biggest harm to the nature. It is established that the ecologically most-dangerous object rendering negative influences on ОПС, the pedigree complex is. Ostavlenie breeds in mine, a bookmark of the developed space with use отвальной breed and an enrichment waste, рекультивация pedigree sailings and reduction of volumes of destruction of the earths is also the basic direction and way of realization a little - or technology of coal manufacture without waste.
Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion that the environmental problems connected with pedigree sailings, are very actual for Donbass and their consideration and the decision demand. As a result of mine магистерской works will be obtained the data which can be used on mine «Russia», thereby having improved ecological conditions and population health is possible. Economic benefit for mine «Russia» from use of pedigree sailings in the various purposes of a national economy also can be received. Definitive results will be received in December, 2011, by the time of protection master’s works.
Huge technogenic loading to Donbass force to prosecute subjects of use of breed which is extracted, and problems of already existing sailings of breed because the successful decision of these problems conducts to:
1. The decision of environmental problems:
air pollution reduction by the poisonous gases, harmful substances, etc.;
decrease in pollution by drains of waters from waste heaps of water objects of Donetsk area;
reduction of extraction of different natural resources and savings of natural resources for the future generations (e.g., building components), at the expense of working out of already available resources;
decrease in deformation of a terrestrial surface (failures of a ground, houses, to occurrence of ravines etc.) ;
Reduction of pollution of the fertile ground areas, behind line of cities which could be used for agricultural grounds.
2. The decision of social and economic problems:
economy of the earths in cities which could be used for the best purposes;
occurrence of workplaces as in the city of Donetsk, and that is especially important, in cities of Donetsk area in which mines are closed, and people face unemployment;
improvement of health of the people, living in territory of Donbass;
reception of material profit on working out of breed of sailings;
improvement of a condition of cities (it is less a than dust, the city becomes more beautiful).


Схема движения осадков

Рисунок 2. Схема руху опадів


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5. Макарова Т. В. Автореферат магистерской работы на тему: «Выбор и обоснование технологических решений по рациональному использованию породы в условиях шахты «Украина»». Электронный ресурс. – Режим доступа: 

6. Чудновец В.Л. Автореферат магистерской работы на тему: «Обоснование направлений комплексного использования шахтной породы в качестве вторичного сырьевого ресурса» Электронный ресурс. – Режим доступа: 

7. Лоскутова Е.В. Автореферат на тему: «Выбор и обоснование экологических и технологических решений по рациональному использованию породы как ресурса в условиях шахты «Щегловская-Глубокая»» Электронный ресурс. – Режим доступа: 

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9. Василишина А.Н. Комплексная оценка влияния породного отвала шахты «Россия» на окружающую среду / Василишина А.Н., Артамонов В.Н. 

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