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Vetrov Igor

Vetrov Igor

Faculty of ecology and chemical technology

Chemical technology of fuel department

Speciality Chemical technology of fuel and carbon materials

Influence of gas environment on thermal transformations of sulfur coal

Scientific adviser: doctor of chemical sciences, professor Butuzova Ludmila



Date of Birth October 10, 1988.
Place of Birth Ukraine, Donetsk
Schools School № 138
HIGH SCHOOL bachelor: DonNTU 2006 – 2010. Graduate: DonNTU 2010 – 2012.
Average 4,67
Languages fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages, English at a level sufficient for reading and correspondence
Personal Achievements Participation in conferences in the Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk
Hobbies Active recreation, fishing
Personal qualities Purposefulness, self-confidence, punctuality, conscientiousness, sociability, responsibility, decency.
Computer skills Operating system: Windows 98/2003/XP/7.
Programming languages: Turbo Pascal, Delphi.
Programs, software packages and CAD: Microsoft Office, MathCAD, LabVIEW, KOMPAS 3D, Adobe Photoshop.
Experience General engineering practice in the Avdeevka by product coke plant 2009.
Technological practices in the department CTF DonNTU 2010.
Future Plans To write and to protect the master's work, to get a master's degree, continuation of scientific activities.
Contact Information igor_vetrov@ukr.net
