Brief Resume

I Was born on November, 3rd, 1988 in Druzhkivka

During the period with 1 on 7 class (1996-2002) went to school ¹17 Druzhkivka

During the period with 8 on 11 class (2002-2006) studied in a grammar school "Intelligence" of Druzhkivka

During the period with 1 on 4 course (2006-2010) the bachelor studied in DonNTU under the program

In 2010 has arrived on 5 course of magistracy DonNTU

Personal qualities: punctuality, responsibility, organisation, purposefulness

During training under the program the bachelor has made average ball 4

I know languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English - base level

I have skills of work with:

- Operational systems - Windows XP/Vista/7;

- Applied directions - Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), KOMPAS-3D;

- Working out environments - LabView, MathCAD, MatLab

Hobbies: games (football, basketball), music (rap), cinema (thrillers, comedies, original)
