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Ìàãèñòð DonNTU Pavlovskaya Olga

Olga Pavlovskaya

Faculty of engineering mechanics and mechanical engineering

Metal-cutting machine-tools and systems

Speciality „Metal-cutting machine tools and systems“

Studies efficiency of diamond-abrasive processing brittle materials

Scientific adviser: associate professor ïðîô. Kalafatova Lyudmila


Name Pavlovskaya Olga
Date of Birth 09.05.1988ã
Place of Birth Gorlovka
School OR Gorlovka ¹ 54 (1995 2005)
HIGH SCHOOL I graduated from the machine Building college (Gorlovka) with the degree "junior specialist" in specialty "processing of the materials on the machine tools and automatic lines".At the same time I graduated from the courses and received the diploma of the junior specialist in specialty "Business Economics". In 2010 I graduated the Donetsk National Technical University with the degree " bachelor" in specialty "metal-cutting machines and systems ".At present I study at the Donetsk National Technical University. My specialty is " metal-cutting machines and systems ". I'll receive the degree " master ".
Average Rating 4.49
Languages I know Russian and Ukrainian languages as well as English at a basic level.
Personal qualities Responsibility, punctuality
Estate PC Am experienced with operating systems Windows. Of MS Office and Open Office, systems, solid modeling Compass 3-D, T-Flex CAD, AutoCAD. I command programming language Pascal.
Additional courses, internships The graduated from the courses and received the diploma Associate's degree in "Business Economics".
Experience OOO Stirolmash, turner, 2007.
Future Plans I plan to start work
Contact Skype – ola9588.


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