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Starostin Alexander

Alexander Starostin

Faculty "Mechanical Engineering"

Speciality "Metallurgical equipment"

"Experimental researches of energypower parameters of the double roller press for the receipt of preforms from the second materials and development of recommendations for planning of his industrial prototype"

Scientific adviser Professor Sergei Eronko

| Abstract |


— Name Starostin Alexander;
— Date of birth 4.03.1989 year;
— Birth–place Ukraine, Debal'cevo, Donetsk area;
— General school ¹1 I–III of the stages Debal'ceva. Studing terms: with 1996 for 2006;
— Higher educational establishment — Donetsk national technical university (2010 — 2012 it is master's degree); Military department at Donetsk national technical university (2007 — 2010); Donetsk national technical university (2006 — 2010 it is a bachelor);
— Middle mark: 4,94;
— Languages: Ukrainian, Russian are native, English — base level;
— Personal achievements IV digit on parachute sport;
— Fascinations basket–ball, fishing. Favourite books are: genre of adventure, SciTech. Favourite music on style fate, and also classic;
— Personal qualities it is:
1) decision;
2) purposefulness;
3) executive ness;
4) responsibility;
5) nobility.
— Domain a computer operating system of Windows: sure user; experience on the followings programmatic packages: Kompas 3d, Solidworks, Mathcad, APM Winmashine, MS Office; language programming and environments of development: programming on PASCAL and on the environment of Delphi;
— Additional courses: Courses of preparation of drivers of category of "Â" and "Ñ". The Donetsk regional motor–car educational combine (2008);
— Experience: It is not;
— Plans on the future :
successful write and defence of master's degree work, professionally to capture English;
— Contact information

| Abstract |